This is soooo much "on the money" as far as my N is concerned. He never stops complaining! If he isn't doing it out loud it is in his mood and gestures and look. He is unhappy with everyone and everything. How dare they ask him to act like a human being???
I heard recently because these people think they are ENTITLED to have everything go their way, and when it does not, of course, as any normal person knows it can't/won't, they can't handle it. And want everyone's sympathy. And pity. More supply for them right?
My NH also makes fun of everyone, even his closest friends and family. Anyone is fair game. Except for his dear mommy as long as she is still feeding his Nisms. I never could believe how mean he was when I first started dating him and he would point people out and make fun of them while we drove in the car. And of course be angry at the way THEY drive. He can find fault with ANYTHING and ANYONE! And does so regularly.
I have had the furnace type experience mentioned above too many times. I have been so embarrassed by his behavior this way over the years. Nothing is done right, because only HE can do things right! He actually gets mad when people ask to be paid for work they have done---he throws a fit---how DARE they ask him for fair payment for work done or services provided and if he decides he can't pay he will make something up to be mad about to refuse to pay. But how dare they???? "Can't anyone just HELP HIM out for once???? " "Why won't anyone just give HIM a break???" Heard this just yesterday---we went on and on for 30 minutes about it.
I hate to go out with him anywhere too because he always complains about anything and everything and if by some miracle, the service is good and the food is good, then he seems to end up with a stomach ache to complain about all night---or that he ate too much and now is soooo uncomfortable!
It's misery to be around him.
He will even call me up on the phone, not say "hi" and immediately go into a tirade about someone who made him mad during the day. The bank teller who ask him to give her the account number before she does a transaction, they grocery store clerk who is "rude"---anything. Will go on and on and on, like I am some trash can for his emotions he can't control. I have answered his phone calls to him swearing and yelling, but of course, it's NOT supposed to affect ME, he is only venting and I am too over sensitive and don't care about HIM if I say that it bothers me to be his whipping post. He is nice to everyone, even the person who made him mad, (usually justified behavior on their part) and then lets loose on me. Lucky me
Good grief, it is so exhausting! I could go on, but considering this is on a thread about complaining too much.........

I put my ipod on on with my earphones just to shut him out a lot lately! HA! Thanks for the thread!
Take care,