I know what your talking about concerning your parents not helping and then criticising you if you can't measure up. Withholding help. My parents don't have a lot financially, but won't help either emotionally (which would be all I need really) or financially and only sit back and laugh if I fall on my face. They laugh at and misjudge everyone, it's bizarre becaue they really have nothing to boast about themselves except for their own self-righteousness (really religious people). I guess that is their narcissism---everyone else is so stupid except THEM, you know.
Heavens, wonder why I don't want to have anything to do with them. I won't tell them anything about my life--never have--- because I didn't want to be made fun of and judged and gossiped about behind my back. They really set me up to fail in life with no guidance, no self-esteem, no financial support, nothing. Nothing at all. Only critcising behind my back. Basically ignored but expected to be perfect at the same time. Trying to be perfect to get noticed, or at least not condemned.
Yes, Cb, it was a gift, in some ways, and such awful things to do in many other ways that I wrestle with it a lot. I have tried NOT to judge and be bitter and it has been a struggle for sure. Do I "forgive" them?-----yes, basically and thank them for my self reliance, but I don't respect them for the neglect and I don't wish for the torture to continue any longer which I know it will if I go around them again.
I am expected to be a certain way, with certain ideals, and no opinion of anything. Carbon copies of them. I even got a full scholarship to college and my mother just told me shame on me for not getting a job in high school to pay for college (????) instead of playing my sports (which is what I got the scholarship for). She is really impossible. Since I didn't have a job (except for summers) she refused to help me with any needs or expenses I had during the year. Nothing, sometimes I begged for entrance fees to play sports or to get personal hygiene neccessities.
Mom would not even go with me to sign my scholarship" intent" papers, I had to beg my dad to go with me since I needed an adult present. Weird cause he never watched me play any sport or do any event ever in 10 years of sporting accomplishments and constant events and practices to which I found my own way there. Washed my uniforms, paid my dues, daily practice---none of it. Neither was my mother at any of them. I walked everywhere. I basically took care of my self in every way, brought home good grades, trophies, awards, certificates, anything I could win, but.......nothing. Nothing. At least they didn't force me to do it, I guess.
I guess what I am saying and I don't want to make it sound like bragging, is that I get the parent thing you wrote about is definitely something I can relate to, and I guess it triggered me this morning. Think I will have to write in my journal about it a it more soon. Thought I had put it behind me....
But hey, my NH's mother has just given my husband everything he ever ask for money-wise since we have been married that he thinks she is the bank. She married money on purpose her sixth marriage for security and has bilked her poor elderly husband out of hundreds of thousands giving money to her lazy, whining screw-up kids. My husband seems to think she is the bank. She is just enabling him. And controlling him. I am grateful for the help because he has been so lazy and made so many finanicial mistakes and blunders over the years we have had no choice to accept help from her--it was that or starve and freeze. But my point is here, that besides her keeping score and holding it over his head for the last 17 years......she has created a monster 40 year-old who does not know how to stand on his own two feet and be self-sufficient, therefore having done him NO FAVORS at all. I just curse her now because she has set him up to be her puppet and to control him for a lifetime. I think, maybe, if I had my choice, I would rather be forced to stand on my own two feet even and have a backbone to handle life----even if it makes me mad and hurts, than be crippled by "help" and the payback expected from the helpers" who really turn out to be wolves in sheeps clothing, IMO.
And finally, your desription of your father is exactly what my NH is doing to our teen daughters, even down to the tennis which he forces them to play since that is what he is interested in. He would do the same thing. In fact, he has pushed them into music since they were young and they are now having solos and special performances because he has forced them to "be the best" (like he thinks he is) and when they need special rides to their solos and concerts he is mad (complains) and a nuisance about taking them or makes them late or upsets them before they perform enough that they sometimes mess up, and then he is angry and embarrssed by them. And lets them know it. He makes such a jerk of himself "helping" them with their upcoming solos, that they are so nervous to mess up in front of him that they can hardly get through it. My 13 y/o actually started crying at a performance she had to do last month right after I broke my leg and could not attend to run interference for her and comfort her in spite of his nonsense. Which is what I usually do--calm them down enough they can perform. She cried through the entire performance, he taped it, I watched it after and it broke my heart. She was just too nervous with him there expecting her to be perfect. G-d, I hate him for that---and the dumbest thing ever is that if I were to bring it to his attention, he would not even GET IT! He would blame all of us for being overly-sensitive and ridiculous and PMSing or whatever, but he never sees the damage he is inflicting and how much he hurts everyone around him. Denies it--calls us all crazy and stupid basically. They crap of it is, that when I divorce him, I won't be able to save them from it when he is havin his "time" with them. He will bully them and I won't be able to comfort them and help them cope in any way, and the thought of that has kept me here for waaaaay too long.
I am so sorry you guys, everyone, I didn't mean to hijack and go on and on, but this triggered me I guess. And I needed to vent a bit on this this morning apparently....shoulda started a new thread!
Good luck with dealing with this, I am rooting for ya since you are just about to untangle the knot, so to speak. I hope so. You are way ahead of me! I usually just try to ignore the crap (with the folks anyway). NH keeps me too busy trying to deal with his antics!

Well, thanks for listening.