A.) "God-complex" ridden physicians or other professionals who can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to do what they do
B.) stalker husband playing opposite julia roberts in the movie "sleeping with the enemy" (OK, he had a little more than just "N" going on)
C.) Local Pseudo-Rock Stars. (And real ones too) Nothing stands in the way of them and their "music" (ie drinking with buddies and goofing off into the wee hours) not even wives and families. Yeesh.
D.) Miss Hannigan. (ran orphanage in "Annie") (well I can't stand the brat but if anyone adopts her out of my life i'll hunt her down and kill her. Oh, and I get the $50 grand, too, because I deserve to live on "easy st." by default.)
Oh, yes, i do appreciate the humor when it comes up. It's nice to be able to laugh about this with others who understand my perspective. It definitely releases some of the stress. The thread about the Nmoms was cracking me up. (doot doot doodle oo...LOL) It made me think about how sometimes in a conversation with my MIL, even if I have psyched myself up beforehand, it's almost like she is using her "voodoo" to extract her desired response from me, and it is as if I am hearing a recording of my own voice as her manipulated responses spew forth uncontrollably from my lips and i can't seem to stop it from happening, I keep saying exactly what she wants to hear and the inside of me is screaming to myself, "shut up, you idiot, and find a reason to end this conversation NOW!!!" But my brain goes all phlegmatic and the neurotransmitters can't seem to push signals along fast enough to keep up with her.
See, my husband is less calculated than his mother about these manipulations. He is the type to blow up if a conversation isn't going his way, then he starts to argue circles around you until you have forgotten completely the point you were trying to make.
E.) Oh, yes, and that awful octopus woman from Disney's "Little Mermaid."
F.) Both of the stepmothers in Snow White and Cinderella, and the stepsisters too. Boy was that family dynamic a doozy.