----- Original Message -----
From: Izzy
To: Daughter
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 1:38 PM
Subject: HB-Matt
I know Matt's birthday is tomorrow. HB from me.
Please tell me how you feel when we are not corresponding.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daughter
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: HB-Matt
I feel much better now, thanks. It's been very stressful re-hashing all that stuff, and I find that I'm neither hovering around the computer waiting for the next installment of mail, nor dreading such mail. I feel like things are getting back to normal. I'm also not as angry or frustrated on a day-to-day basis either.
Things with matt are up and down. I've had to threaten to send him to Gus' again, and this time, i hope he gets it. He's promised to go to summer school to make up his English credit. I'd like him to re-do his Geography by correspondence. I"m considering homeschooling him in the fall semester. He's being assessed by his psychologist for learning disabilities / attention disorders. This is to rule these out, not because any of us think that he actually has these problems, but I've suspected that Gus has ADD ever since his niece susie was diagnosed (she called him to tell him that she thought he had it too). If Matt has either of these, it could be behind his not getting to school. Anyway, he goes in the afternoons now, and there's just this week left.
Mags is passing with fllying colours. We went to Ottawa two weeks ago for a ball gown for her formal. I'll send you a pic when she's in the full get-up. She looks beautiful.
How's work?
Hi folks
Daughter replied, as you can see and even talked about 2 of the kids. I am surprised! Then there was a 'thanks' stuck in there, and I am surprised!, And she asked about my work which is also a surprise! And now I await the fulfillment of a promise of a picture of my granddaughter in a formal gown. Daughter is not too good at remembering promises.
Now what--nothing personal and all superrficial? As long as she is not angry or critical I think I can take it and one day we might meet for lunch---fly 2000 miles to meet me for lunch? Well Strange things happen!
Love Izzy