Author Topic: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?  (Read 3173 times)


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Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« on: July 11, 2007, 02:17:16 PM »


When weighing my question, keep in mind that I'm asking it assuming that both parties are recovering adults.  It also assumes at least for the sake of discussion, that  recovering adults can have  agendas that have nothing to do with the recovery process.   

Still searching for a reasonable and fair way to evaluate another's subjective reality.  I think this is what's bugging me.  I find it perfectly acceptable to listen courteously to the subjective reality of another person over and over and over when it's sincerely presented (I'm talking about the stage of recovery when one is trying to purge their souls to get rid of the junk) and is clearly part of that person's recovery and has a reasonable level of confidentiality or anonymity.  In a situation like that, I don't have to do anything but listen, encourage, and cheer them along, maybe offering any wisdom I've learned along the line of their suffering, but mainly be a listener.  Part of the responsibility of this kind of exchange is to listen for signs that they intend to harm themselves or others then take action accordingly.  I'm comfortable in this scenario.

The place where I'm getting tripped up is when my objective reality tells me that the one telling the story has an agenda to harm the reputation of another, knows it, yet presses relentlessly to convince me and others to act on their  agenda.  So the question becomes, Once I've weighed all the knowledge I have concerning the circumstances, what is my next obligation?   Do I keep quiet and simply rate it true/false or something in between or what? 



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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 03:18:18 PM »
Hi tt,

It sounds like what you're really asking is when should you listen to your instincts?

I guess that will be a very individual thingy.

Personally, I was taught to trust my instincts (not as a child but due to my choice of career).  At first, the idea seemed completely foreign and crazy!  Trust my instincts?  What? Like a dog or a bear?? 

 :shock: :shock:  Too weird for me.  :?  Too risky.

But eventually, I would need to act quickly and be in a position of having to rely on what my gut was telling me and the strangest thing happened......???  It usually worked out ok.  My gut was generally correct!  :shock: :shock:  Who woulda thought?

So I guess I did learn but it was a long, slow process of repetition.  Those I worked with, who were also in similar positions did say they also learned to trust their instincts and rely on them.  It is a scary process though because there are no absolutes and it requires risk taking.

Truly, one cannot know the agenda or intentions of anyone else.  One can listen to what is said and look (in the 3D world) at the non-verbal clues and actions of others and then.......

if there is a feeling in the gut sending out a warning or a warm fuzzy thing or whatever......

one can choose to go with it (or not).  But to say one has knowledge of what's in anyone else's head?  Not possible, is it?

Still......if red flags are flying up in all directions in one's own mind.....???  I'd say pay attention to those and hear yourself.



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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 05:28:57 PM »
I understand why you have a loyal, wonderful group of friends.

We are so lucky to have you here.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2007, 01:57:29 AM »

Hi Sela,

It sounds like what you're really asking is when should you listen to your instincts?

I DO trust my gut.  I pay close attention to my intuition, but don't trust it the way I trust my gut. 

Truly, one cannot know the agenda or intentions of anyone else. But to say one has knowledge of what's in anyone else's head?  Not possible, is it?

I believe that also. 

I don't even like exercises in reading between the lines and figure that at best I could  only hope for  50% accuracy.  Mathmaticians would have a better idea of what the chances are of being accurate.

I think the agenda part is what drives my question on this subject.  I lived under the agenda of an N most of my life.  Feeling that someone might try to woo me into a false agenda offends me, especially if it smacks of stealth.  Hops commented on this on another thread.

Thanks for your help. 

Your post really spoke to me.  I relate to expressions like tripping up, glitches, and blind spot.  And yes, we all have them.  Bottom line, my response should  revolve around the fact that we all trip up, have blind spots or experience glitches, that eventually help us see the light and correct our course, sometimes with the help of an observant compassionate witness. 

For the person who is the target:

The other thing that complicates it, is that most of us have had enough conflict and turmoil to last a lifetime!  And we would rather do anything than stir up some more for no reason.  I think that we co-N's are pretty peaceable folks, for the most part.  But I have to watch myself because sometimes my desire for peace means that someone else must soldier on alone.

To think that I might abandon someone in need to soldier alone breaks my heart.  I don't want to do that.
You dont have to speak to the person's motivations because you can't be sure what they are (although you may have a fairly good idea). 

I do believe this.

You can share a moral precept or religious belief that would apply, esp. if you share the same belief system.  You can say "I try really hard not to..." and name the activity that is going on.  And, finally, you can refuse to participate and say why.  "I'm sorry--I have a personal goal to not gossip.  I sometimes forget that goal, but I am trying very hard to not forget.  So, I am not going to participate in this conversation."  And you may have to make that statement in front of other people.  Sometimes one brave soul is all it takes to turn the tide and give the target some peace.

I love this part for its simple wisdom.  I agree with Hops that it's no wonder you have a posse of wonderful, loyal friends. 

I'm not a fan of gossip.  I admire anyone who knows how to turn the tide when scapegoating or malicious gossip is at issue.

And the agenda-person may be relieved and give you an opportunity to talk a bit.  They may be genuinely concerned about where they are stuck, and may use this opportunity to explore more deeply into what got them there.  You can be an important sounding-board for them, if they will let you.

I think the residual effects of having been agendized most of my life by an N will in a big way influence how I react/respond to situations where I perceive a stealthy agenda.  I don't see myself being a rescuer in such cases.  Nada, nada, nada.  Not now.

I'm aware that debate about subjective reality/truth and objective reality/truth is a philosophical question that is ages old and that there may not be a convincing, definitive  argument as to which is more accurate.  The important thing for me right now is that this discussion   has helped me understand what a right response might  be from a number of angles.  What you said feels right to me.  It also helped me understand where I am presently on the issue of being agendized or manipulated.  I want to revisit this part in a few months and examine it for possible shifts in my perception and response.




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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2007, 11:05:39 AM »
Hi again tt,

How about this?

I think the agenda part is what drives my question on this subject.  I lived under the agenda of an N most of my life.

What did you learn? (ofcourse I don't expect you to give a detailed answer .....what I mean learned a whole wack of stuff because of that experience, I bet?  You will pick up clues/signs/have feelings/de ja vu's/etc....if or when you meet another one like you were married to).

Feeling that someone might try to woo me into a false agenda offends me, especially if it smacks of stealth.

I can see why this is a concern, however.....

I DO trust my gut.  I pay close attention to my intuition, but don't trust it the way I trust my gut.

My bet is....your gut/intuition/red flags etc will sound loudly, the next time someone tries to woo you falsely and especially if they do so with stealth.  Lights will go on in your head that you didn't even know were there!  They might be LED's though, so you will have to pay attention to them and trust them/yourself/your intuition.  If you do will be safe, tt!  Trust yourself!!

situations where I perceive a stealthy agenda

Trust yourself!



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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 10:01:27 PM »

Hi Sela,

You make good points.  I'm learning.  Thank God I do trust my gut.  I consider it a gift from Him.  The main N in my life is my mom.   Had a husband I was crazy about, but he couldn't let go of his 'covey' of sweeties for the life of him or for me.   I suppose that was narcissism.  It's been a long time and I don't have the time or energy to go back and analyze it all. 

It amazes me how by asking questions I learn so much that I didn't anticipate being part of the truth.  That is what is happening on this thread.  Thank you for your help.


Certain Hope

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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 11:16:28 PM »
Dear tt,

Just looking at the facts in your initial post here, I wondered...

when another person's reputation could potentially suffer harm, is it even necessary to know whether there's an agenda behind it?

I mean, reducing all of this to simplest terms - couldn't a situation like this be handled by the same method with which we're instructed to deal with gossip? Whether it's true or false, with an agenda to destroy or just ignorant excessive blabbering, if I'm not the one having a problem with a particular individual, then what business is it of mine to even hear the story, let alone pass it on or try to judge its validity?

Maybe I'm missing too much of the picture here to comment, but at this point - I'd stay out of the matter completely unless there was some pretty solid evidence that my involvement would alleviate someone's suffering.

Please feel free to tell me I missed it... lol.



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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2007, 11:51:13 PM »

Hi CH,

You know CH,  I need to step back from this and pull a wholesome perspective together.  I need to figure out how much of my reaction is residual from narcissistic abuse and how much is residual from their narcissistic abuse, and then apply the golden rule.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.  So happy to see you active on the board again.



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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 08:15:02 AM »

Hi CB,

What gain is there for Wiltay's 'friend' to gang up on him like that?  One facet I think I've overlooked in examining  N behavior is that within lies a hunger for power that sometimes causes an N  to form a 'gang' of followers.  I think it is the power that has the appeal.   The greater good has no place in N thinking.  That's why I used the word 'agenda' in my questions this thread.   You said, recovery notwithstanding.  And therein lies the ticklish part. 

The pain of N behavior is there, though, whether or not we are able to classify the person as an "n" or not.  And for a person to pursue an "agenda to harm the reputation of another, knows it, yet presses relentlessly to convince me and others to act on their agenda" is definitely N behavior, recovery not withstanding.  And it hurts the target just as much.

I am standing back and looking at my own reaction to this topic.  I am a very "live and let live", everyone is on their own journey sort of person.  But I feel strongly enough to come back and revisit this.  It has pointed out a side of my own moral code that I hadnt been aware was so strong.

I would apply the golden rule to the victim, not the perpetrator.

CB,  I'm glad you're noodling this subject and that you've added additional thoughts. 


Certain Hope

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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2007, 09:04:31 AM »

Thank you. I just read WilTay's post.
Truly, the only difference I see between N in such a situation and a common, garden-variety gossip is the complex agenda buried within the mind of N.
N is just very, very good at what he does... probably because he's had years of practice and lives within such a maze of internal corruption that an average human being would never imagine.
And yet - I'm thinking that we don't need to know the agenda when we hear something negative about another person, only look straight through to the outcome of this sort of unsubstantiated "talk". The empty talk only becomes a reality in our minds when we're "respecter of persons". If we refused to be impressed by the apparent credibility of the person delivering the message and chose to see the message for what it is - the beginnings of a rumor - we could catch it up short?
I mean, I would feel very happy and well-balanced within myself if my first, automatic thought upon hearing something negative about another person would be -
 "I do not know whether this is true, and I should not assume that it is, because this could really cause harm to ____".
Then, if the negative message was being delivered in front of a group, I'd like to say that aloud to everyone listening.

If the deliverer of the message is NPD, sparks will fly right then and there.

Tt.... yes, power.... but mainly envy fuels NPD, I think.
Sometimes N likes to be the weak, powerless one - the baby - just as much as he enjoys being the all-wise, authoritarian leader.

How well I remember my own frustration, never knowing which version of N was gonna get out of bed in the morning.. the little cutie-pie who wanted to be cuddled and coddled or the smirking despot.


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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2007, 10:19:13 AM »

CN,  Gee it's good to have you back and learn from you.   

Enjoying the baby part and the powerful, all knowing part... That speaks to me.

I hear truth in what you said.  Keep it coming.



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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2007, 10:29:02 AM »
Sometimes N likes to be the weak, powerless one - the baby - just as much as he enjoys being the all-wise, authoritarian leader.

I used to think that too but no longer do. I now believe control is their only motivation, because being, deep down, profoundly insecure every move they make is to control their environment to protect those insecurities at all costs.
I think both roles above are facets of the same controlling behavior. An alpha wolf will roll over and seemingly submit to other pack members but it is still in control and any out of bounds behavor leads to instant correction.
When an N is being a  baby they still have the power they're just using it in a different way to manipulate.
When they're being the authoritarian "leader" they are openly asserting control usually because of a perceived threat to it.


Certain Hope

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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2007, 11:15:32 AM »
Sometimes N likes to be the weak, powerless one - the baby - just as much as he enjoys being the all-wise, authoritarian leader.

I used to think that too but no longer do. I now believe control is their only motivation, because being, deep down, profoundly insecure every move they make is to control their environment to protect those insecurities at all costs.
I think both roles above are facets of the same controlling behavior. An alpha wolf will roll over and seemingly submit to other pack members but it is still in control and any out of bounds behavor leads to instant correction.
When an N is being a  baby they still have the power they're just using it in a different way to manipulate.
When they're being the authoritarian "leader" they are openly asserting control usually because of a perceived threat to it.


Mud, I don't know. The NPD in the man to whom I was married seems to have been combined with other disorders to make for a strange mix.
There was so much passive-aggressive behavior... and on occasion, schizoid (I think it's called)...  I had the sense that he was divesting himself of his "power" at those times. I've often felt that's because I had children in the home... as though his envy of them created a dilemma in his psyche...
like "which would I rather be - the helpless, hapless child or the super-macho-man".
Of course, I would always be blamed for having robbed him of his power on those occasions when he gave it up - cutting off his you-know-whats.
Then there was the blame for any decisions I had to make by his own default, during his infant phases. And then there was... well, it was endless.   
So... I dunno.



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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2007, 12:49:48 PM »
Hi TT,

Thanks for saying I make good points.  Glad it helped. 

I don't think we have to take the time or energy and go back and analyze it all.  Doing that might be a waste of good time and energy, sometimes?

For me, it's been whatever eats at me....needs to be examined and often.....I need to stop examining it, after awhile, because I'll never figger it out anyway.  Why drive myself nuts?

The old......if it ain't broken....why fix it?......makes the most sense occasionally too.  I can over-analyze and that's a waste too.  Some things are fairly simple.

Just thinking out loud there, TT.  I'm glad this thread is helping!




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Re: Subjective Reality. True - False Or Something In Between?
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2007, 01:14:19 PM »
Hi CH,

I think maybe we're just using different terminology. When he was seeking pity and envying the kids and seemingly divesting himself of power he was still seeking to control you and others by acting in a particular way to get you to respond in the way he desired. That is still control. It's more insidious than ranting and raving, but when it works it is still a method by which one person seeks to control their environment and those in it.
