This is exactly the type of thread that really is healing to me. Thank you, GS.
One insight that I would like to share with you,GS, is that I hear a lot of expectations about life and people in your posts. I say this with the utmost love and respect. I have this same problem and I see it as a major reason that I am not content with my life.
I hear you say that "mothers should be this way etc." I have been so unhappy b/c I feel these same things about mothers ,husbands etc.However, today, I looked at my H--honestly. It is horrible to see what I see. He hates me. I have been sick for 3 weeks b/c my body knew this ,but I would not let it in to my consciousness. I see that he feels entitled to act anyway that he wants b/c he provides. I should put up with ANYTHING-- b/c he provides. He is REALLY angry at me b/c i am not appreciative.
I saw my M---last week. It was horrible to see that ,too. However,GS, we will be sick if we don't face it. Should it be this way? Do we deserve it? No.NO. BUT-it is the truth and no wishing will make it different. This is what I was saying about expectations,GS. We hurt ourselves,terribly, with them. We are destroying ourselves with the pain of wanting it to be different. What do we get in the end? Nothing ,but sick-- emotionally and physically.
I want to talk about"living with the enemy"
Now, I see that I do live with the enemy However, my body ALWAYS knew it-- so ,today it is a relief to see the truth without lying to myself
I have been sick for a very long time. I had yeast infections, stomach aches, heartburn and could not digest food etc for probably 19 years. It was getting worse and worse. As I accepted the "fake" reality, I got sicker. The "fake" reality was that my H and M were my friends and had my back. The true reality is that they are my enemies and would put a KNIFE in my back
I went through 3 weeks of sobbing, dizziness, yeast infections and stomach aches to break through the denial and see this truth--- BUT it is all worth it. I "almost" feel "real"--- not quite---but almost.
The other really awful thing is that maybe all relationships will let us down and leave us alone. I am looking at this ---now. Maybe b/c of human nature, someone will never really have our back.I had one relationship in life that had my back--- my grandmother-- my mother's mother The only two good family relationships that I have now are my kids-- two sons. I think that even though i can count on them and vice-versa--- we still get on each other's nerves and disappoint each other.
I really don't know the answers,for myself, about relationships. I am just beginning the journey of self healing. Maybe, this is an "advanced" course. Love Ami