Author Topic: Taking a vacation from my problems  (Read 1457 times)


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Taking a vacation from my problems
« on: July 17, 2007, 06:20:02 PM »
Anybody a fan of the movie "What about Bob?"

Anyway, tonight I have tickets to Michael Buble!  Anybody else a fan?  Can't wait.  His voice is so......soothing, amazing, sexy, etc.!  Going with people I have never met, friends from my H's work. Normally, this circumstance would scare me to death.  But not today!  I am going to go to dinner and be myself. And I am going to leave the rest at home.  I am going to sing to the music and completely and utterly enjoy myself. No fear and no second-guessing self.  Just being......and enjoying and filling my spirit a little.

Have a happy evening all.  Wishing you peaceful thoughts, happy spirits, and love from friends. 



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Re: Taking a vacation from my problems
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 08:28:35 PM »

I love that movie--he is such a nuisance and poor Psychiatrist went nuts!

Is this what you are seeing? saw? with Michael Buble, as in LIVE?

Oh I hope you have/have had a happy time--the one you planned---Exactly!!

(I am on the West Coast, Pacific Time)

------------------------------------------> at 67

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Re: Taking a vacation from my problems
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2007, 12:03:32 PM »

thanks for being interested!  No one in my life is really interested in any thing that is going on with me.  I have one friend who tries, but who can't get over her own jealousy to be happy for me.  Constant comparisons about who gets what.  It is tiring.  Thanks for just being happy for me while I patiently wait for good friends to come to me in the real world.  It means a lot......even about something as trivial as a concert. 

 Concert was tremendous!  Michael Buble's voice -- OH!  just like butter! And he was pretty funny too.  Always a plus!  The night was everything I had hoped.  Had loads of fun. 

Love the pic of you.  You have  a kind face.  No puzzle pieces! love it!

Did you see your T yesterday?   Think you mentioned that.  Hope it went well with all the emotional discovery.  Glad to see  you write about the accident.  Tieing up the loose ends of that experience.  Hope you find the peace on that trauma.



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Re: Taking a vacation from my problems
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2007, 12:35:20 PM »
I'm not familiar with the movie or Michael Buble, MO4.

So glad you got to get away and enjoy yourself though. 


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Re: Taking a vacation from my problems
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2007, 01:45:59 PM »
"What about Bob" an older comedy with Bill Murray and Richard Dryfuss.  Story is about a crazy guy (bill) and his shrink (richard) and how the patient literally drives the dr. crazy.  It is funny.  (if you like that kind of humor)   At one point, the dr. writes a perscription to his patient to "take a vacation from his problems."  If you haven't seen the movie, it is a hard joke to get.

Michael Buble, on the other hand, I must recommend.  He is the newest thing from Cananda.  He sings much like Frank Sinatra or Harry Connick Jr.  He is really cute too.  Check him out on  you-tube if you are interested.  Really uplifting stuff!

Anyway, thanks for the interest.  We had a blast!



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Re: Taking a vacation from my problems
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2007, 06:43:15 PM »
Heh.... I did see that movie.  Didn't the house end up getting blown up or burned down in the end?

I think I'll like the singer, once I figure out who he is on the radio.

Glad you seem to be having better days.  Remember them during the darker times. 

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Re: Taking a vacation from my problems
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2007, 07:13:21 PM »
MO4:  Love the movie "What About Bob..."  Also loved the old Pink Panther movies.....same kind of thing.  Inspector Cluseau is a bumbling idiot but always gets his man, much to his superiors shagrin..............he goes mad, too, in the end.  Those are so funny.....

Haven't heard of Michael Buble......even though I am 47, I am a rocker at heart.  In fact, I was listening to The Sounds of the 70s in my car and singing Ramblin' Man to the top of my lungs.  Then Sweet Home Alabama and then some others.  My friend told me that someone told her that if you are in a funk, put on old tunes from an era that you really felt good about will bring you back to life!!  I have been doing that and I am sure people must think I am crazy when they drive up next to me and I am singing as loud as I can and air drumming, etc!!! :lol:


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Re: Taking a vacation from my problems
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2007, 05:04:48 PM »
Sometimes I can't watch it because it's so formulaic but last night I clicked by Extreme Makeover Home Edition and there was an Alaskan family...

About six kids, and they were the NICEST, most well-spoken, and beyond gracious gaggle of kids I'd ever seen. Made me think of you and your brood. (Not sayin' yours are all perfect--there was no N-dad in the show--just that I know they have as solid and good a Mom as that family had.)

It was as though you were looking at an isolated corner of this culture where love and respect and affection actually ran a family. It was lovely to see...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."