Author Topic: No time for birthdays....except HER own!  (Read 4430 times)


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No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« on: July 30, 2007, 01:38:49 PM »
The more and more I read about N, the more i am convinced my mother is one and my grandmother too!  Either that or they are just very selfish, self-absorbed, me, me, ME, cold-hearted people.

My grandmother is 80 yrs old and when she was visiting us a couple of years ago, all she did from the moment she stepped foot off the plane was critize and complain and gossip about people (never anything nice or positive or uplifting).  I spent most of my visits with her leaving in tears or very deflated.  I attributed so much of her cutting remarks to the fact that she was so old.  I attributed my mother's meanness to the fact that she spent so much time around our grandmother.

I remember visiting her and all she would do is sit in a chair watching cooking shows and soap operas, and complain about the arthritis in her knees whenever i asked her to do anything or come anywhere with me.  Then I would find out that she had plenty of energy to go and visit other people with my mother (people who she wanted to see).  She managed to come to my house TWICE in the 7 months she was here.  Once for Thanksgiving. And one day she came just to spend the day and show me how to cook her stew.  During that time she told me how messy i was, how i should have my entire house clean by 11 am, how i'm lazy for not using cloth diapers, how my husband deserves to have a hot meal ready at 4 pm every day and not the instant garbage i feed him (not true!).  She told me the greatest joy in her life was the birth of my mother b/c she really prayed for a daughter...but that i would never get one b/c my husband could only make boys.

Out of her 4 grandchildren, she didn't go to ONE birthday party.  Each time she was either tired, arthritis, or sulking about something b/c my sisters and i had arguments with our mom all of the time.  She snubbed each one of them, but then was greatly offended that she only got flowers and a card for her birthday (we never visited).  She was so incensed that she moved her flight up and left without even saying goodbye.  Now my mother loves to bring up how "rude" we were for not even telling our grandmother goodbye.

Now my mother has 5 grandchildren between me and my sister and only went to birthday parties for the first 2.  She declared 2 years ago that she will no longer attend our "stupid birthday parties"...."all you do is party, party, party....i'm too busy for that shite".  SHe will not come if my father attends.  If my father is not attending, she will not come b/c she claims we are only inviting her b/c my father cannot attend.  I would not care so much if she took the time to celebrate each granchilds birthday on the side/do their own thing.  But she doesn't even call or send them a birthday card.  Toys and presents just "spoil" them.  So she used to put money in a little bank book for she doesn't even do that.

All of this leads to an email i received from my cousin this week.  Apparently, my cousin decided to have a christening/birthday party for her 1 yo daughter and celebrated my grandmother's 80th birthday as well.  I was invited, then disinvited by my mother.  I open the email and my cousin says

"Too bad you missed grandmother's 80th birthday party. Shame you  missed it, it was a great fun. Grandma lasted till midnight, the party went on for 3 days and nights.  Will have a video of the ceremony and quite a lot of photos from various cameras. Have to put it together and make copies of CD's. If you interested, i will send you the CD. It may be boring just to look at the pics but you will see the family there"

And she included pics of my Nmom and NGmom dancing away with big smiles on their faces...and the only thing i was thinking is how bogus her excuse is now for not attending any of her grandchildren's birthday parties.  My grandmother has plenty of energy to dance and party for HERSELF.  It made me feel like crap....and angry all at the same time.  She thinks nothing of me or my children. What a phoney hypocrite!  I don't know why i'm even giving this the time of day but it hurts!  Hurts that my own mother thinks so little of me.  I really don't give a damn about me or my birthday but my children are innocent.


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2007, 01:46:16 PM »

Out of her 4 grandchildren, she didn't go to ONE birthday party. 

This should read 4 GREAT-grandchildren (sorry)....and she has 6 GGC now but only attended my cousin's daughters christening/birthday.  Everyone else was snubbed.


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2007, 01:59:18 PM »
Dear Jacqueline,

Is there any chance your new little beautiful family could get a big private secret don't-tell-THEM dream going, and move away?

Serious question.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2007, 02:03:45 PM »

I've found nurturing maternal spirits and made them part of my family.  

We can't choose our FOO's.... but we can choose other people to love and adopt.

You can't control your family.

It would be nice if you could provide your child with the supportive extended family, that you never had.  

You certainly can do that, you just can't do it with your FOO.  


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2007, 02:06:14 PM »
I am another generation from you, 68 and we never had birthday parties. I just thought this was a good place to post a couple of pics of MY paternal Grandmother, for kix.  Does she suit the N look to you in bottom one? (She scared the hell outta me!)

Grandma at 16 with her 60 yr old husband and my ½ uncle   

 Grandma in 1958


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2007, 02:13:17 PM »
Or your poor grandmother, Izz.
Married at 16 to a 60-year-old.
What was it, she was traded for a cow?

My God.

I'm very sorry she turned into an N.
Trauma can do that in people already genetically inclined, imo.

I think a wedding night with him would've done it for me.

Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures, Izz.
(If I had a scanner I'd drive y'all nuts.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2007, 02:24:11 PM »
I think a wedding night with him would've done it for me.

Me too Hops

I don't mean to hijak, Jac, but N grandmothers made me think of mine--pix no stories, long ago!



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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2007, 02:44:42 PM »
What is a FOO?

Thanks for the pics Izz.  Looks just like my grandmother just add a few pounds.  Must be a generational thing. My grandmother thinks once you push a baby out of your vagina you immediately become all seeing, all knowing, perfect MOTHER and it doesn't matter what you do, it is always your child's fault and responsibility to keep the peace and apologize.

I remember when I was trying to speak with my mother and she kept telling me to shut the hell up you stupid lazy b*tch (about a dozen times she said this in one of her N rages in a public restaurant!) and i finally had enough and said, "no mom - YOU shut up!"...that was the end.  My grandmother called and tore a strip off me. She didn't care what my mother said or did. I should have not told her to shut up.  My grandmother said, "Your mother can say anything and do anything b/c she is your mother and you HAVE to respect her missy!  This younger generation has NO RESPECT FOR ELDERS"  WTF!!!!

Respect has to be earned but with my Nmom and N grandma it is a god-given right that is a Get Out Of Jail Free card they use whenever they behave like assholes!

At the root of all N is this: PRIDE...PATHOLOGICAL PRIDE. 

She would never humble herself and apologize for hurting one of her children. Even when my sister ran away from home.  It wasn't b/c my mother was too harsh, strict and refused to protect us from our cruel was b/c my sister was a "bad seed".....and this justified NOT speaking to her for 7 years.  I couldn't imagine holding a grude for 7 years against my own child.  My grandmother holds the record though...40 years not speaking to her own sister!  Breaking up her son's marriage. Breaking up her daughters marriage.  Well done...for this she wants respect?  Her children are NOT people with feelings...she sees us just as animals put on this earth to serve her and sit mutely while she heaps her physical and verbal abuse on. I treated my dog better.


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2007, 03:06:06 PM »

I can see you driving a UHaul truck, baby happy in her seat between tunes on the flapping in the breeze...sunshine overhead...


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2007, 03:08:40 PM »

Family of origin=FOO.

There are many dysfunctional people in this world. It is always changing but stays the same. Look at me, a generation ahead and still went through the same stuff.

This grandmother had visiting rules for my mother and father. One Sunday Dad visits and Mom stays home with us kids (5) and the next Sunday they switch roles.

Any of us who have been wounded and then had children never know what we might have passed, by osmosis, or vibes, or whatever, to our children.

It is difficult to educate the whole world. I suggest that abuse is out of control----be it physical, emotional, --as the news is on and talking about a pedophile. That is almost beyond my ken.

If it's an N it will not change, EVER!

good Luck
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 03:10:14 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2007, 05:00:25 PM »
Oh Izzy! 

I can't imagine that big hairy beard in my face when I was 16 yo, Blech.

How in the heck did your Grandmother end up married to your half uncle?


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2007, 05:06:55 PM »
LOL lighter
The baby is my ½ uncle

then Grandmaw married my Grandfather when this old guy died and had my father.

then Grandpaw died and sdhe married again

Said she outlived 3 husbands and none saw her nekked.


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2007, 05:11:25 PM »
Oh my God Izzy!!!!!!!  How awful must that have been...!!!!

As far as birthdays were concerned I used to spend as many as I could at my friends house as her mother would bake me a cake and I loved that.  My mum would buy me lots of presents but not wrap them and would leave all the prices on...  Now she sends cards some years and not others to either myself or my daughter. 

LOL Izzy I just read your last post..  I know it isn't funny but I had to laugh..

Spyralle x


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2007, 08:40:22 PM »
LOL lighter
The baby is my ½ uncle

then Grandmaw married my Grandfather when this old guy died and had my father.

then Grandpaw died and sdhe married again

Said she outlived 3 husbands and none saw her nekked.

LOL....::slapping knee!::

I was bracing myself for some wild story about your family, lol. 

Very funny..... married 3 times and none of them saw her nekked! hee

::going back to her picture to imagine her naked :shock:::


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Re: No time for birthdays....except HER own!
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2007, 08:56:47 PM »
That improper, misleading grammar, and misinterpretation, turned out to be one hell of a knee slapper and certainly good for a laugh.

I loved it lighter.
