I hear you both.... CH and Write.
I can't reconcile what I know about my N with your N, Write.
All N's are not equal.
Some feel they are far far superior to other N's.
::clearing throat::
I would wax on about how he must have tendencies and not be completely NPD but.....
you're right.... it is just a label for behaviors.... and I'm no professional, in any case.
That you got through to your N is marvelous for your entire family.
I'm happy for you.
I just don't think it could happen for a lot of us and I know the next steps for me in trying with my N......
may be finding myself sleeping with the fishes.....
or worse.
I'd have to go into what the most cost effective way to dispose of me would be....hmmmm...
::shaking head::
But I digress...
I duck when cars ride alongside me too, CH.
If my N were to offer me something reasonable I'd run for cover.
I assume anything he says is a lie and maybe a lie wrapped in an enigma..... ::sigh:: you know the drill.
I lock doors compulsively and my children know what the signs on them mean.
Yes... I have signage on my doors for the children's benefit.
And mine.
It's just a normal way of life now and I suppose I'll be doing it for the rest of my life and trying to
feel normal about it.
Sometimes I do.
I've not been robbed of happiness and a life, just bc I'm living under threat from my N.
Terrorizing me into submission is his game though......
He admits it, lol!
Ruling through fear is something my N wants to do, is DRIVEN to do.......
he can bs me for a day or 2 but......
when I'm really aware and paying attention to him....
it takes him about 2 days of not getting his anticipated payoff before he turns into Mr. Hyde.
What that means is.....he drops the facade rather quickly and begins trying to rule through fear.
It turned into a macabre good N/BadNn routine that would have been funny had I not been fearing for my life at the time.
At a distance, it's still not funny.... come to think of it,
bc ruling by fear makes sense to him and he doesn't understand that being kind and honoring a promise wou;dn't kill him, lol.
Lord help him..... I think he, on some level, beleives it would.
Isn't that what all addicts have a hard time reconciling?
Their fear of loss with the reality?
The reality of what it would really cost them....
and the impact on their lives. Hmmmm....
Maybe your N was broken down to the point of seeing beyond his own control needs, Write?
My N only go stronger and committed more crimes and made up more lies and reached his tentacles out farther to control more people or hurt them in order to MAKE me do what he was DEMANDING I do.
He talked about it honestly..... they really do tell on themselves Mud.
Like any self assured tyrant does......
Expanding his campagn to hurt people I barely know...... etc etc etc
That's really quite something.
All that responsibility on my shoulders..... eh?
I did finally just say..... 'do your worst, I don't care.' (Of course, I had a TPO
BEFORE I said it)
'Let me know how that works out for ya' is what I would say to him now.
If he's going to hurt those people..... I can only warn them and hope for the best, try not to look unstable while doing it.
It's no my fault..... it's his and I'm curiouse to see the accountability chart, at the end of all this.
I'm curiouse to see if I'll be the only one held accountable.... for allowing myself to be victimized.
That could happen, I know it could.
I've taped recorded so many hours of conversations I'm dizzy.
I've documented everything to the point of feeling.....
odd about it.
But no one is going to say to me again..... 'why didn't you do __________ if he was doing __________' EVER EVER EVER AGAIN!
I'll let everyone know how all this works out for me.
The only thing I can say for sure, up to this point is,
I couldn't be Ok at playing his game.
He salted me up and had me for lunch, laughing and shooting me sly looks of giddy glee when the attorney's and court reporter weren't looking.
Sick sick sick little lion and I put my head in his mouth, yes..... that I did. The only reason he sucked on it and didn't chomp it off is bc the court system is involved and he'd go away for a long long time.
He still waiting.... biding his time, hunting and doing what he always has..... I gess hoping it's not being documented too.

He still might do some jail time.... be quite surprised if he could help himself, quite frankly.
And that's just the thing...... I DON'T THINK HE CAN HELP HIMSELF.... or he would.
Beyond repair?
I believe he thinks he's
the superior being to all the
little people ......
there's no reason for him to change/fix himself if he views change as a lowering of himself.....
becoming a chump....
nice guys finish last and all that.
Healthy red blooded American men PREY on women, in his twisted world.
And that;'s how he sees it.
It's his right, neigh.... it's his destiny and his obligation to share himself with the world and take what he is entitled to....
His right to take what he wants.... and what he wants are things he has no right to.
He wants to take things
and people
and things from people.......
and people are posessions too....
yup yup yup.....
I used to say..... 'no victims, only volunteers'
I think I can
now wrap my mind around this adaptation...
'victims as volunteers'
that made my stomach flip to read and I don't have time to ponder it proper now.
Just bc someone abused me......
doesn't mean they get to get away with it and continue doing it just so everyone can avert their eyes....
without guilt?
It doesn't mean I have no rights, does it?
Well, maybe it does.
For the courts that are in over their heads and tired of sitting over property disputes in divorce cases, so jaded and unhappy are they....
I don't think so.
to see,
I guess.......
Some day I'll tell you all a story.....
It's comforting to look back over the fates of tyrants,
historicallly speaking......
to see how it worked out for them.