Dear GS,
You are so welcome... I'm glad, too!
Trying to understand matters like this with an aware, balanced view is a new thing for me, too.
Till now, I've always just flown by the seat of my pants, so to speak, so this is just another one of those Late-Bloomer lessons that it seems to be time to face square-on...
to be more purpose-full - not just falling into relationships, but choosing friends with more deliberate awareness of the dynamics and individual needs. Wow, that still blows me away... that it's okay for each of us to have needs!!
All together, your summary of this situation with Paul rings true in both my heart and mind, GS. He's not a bad guy, just not a wise choice for friendship, is what I'm hearing. It just fits, plain and simple.
Still facing some similar boundary confusions with an old friend who continues to write me, looking to re-establish contact... and I'm not sure yet whether I'm able to continue relating to her without falling back into old patterns, so... this really helps.
It's a tough decision to make when you're a recovering fixer/helper and know that the other person is hurting.
Next thing, I'm thinking of doing some more research, Biblically based, on how to make wise choices re: friendships and take it from there. Of course, a list of desireable traits would be helpful, too... straightforward and self-aware are good ones you've mentioned. This will take some time and more consistent work, but it's all good, so.. thank you!
Your friend,