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Author Topic: I'm getting stronger  (Read 1410 times)


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I'm getting stronger
« on: August 12, 2007, 02:52:41 AM »
 :? Hi I am just learning I have a narcissistic husband. I recently kicked him out, the final straw was he couldn't support me in my illness, he watched me get out of bed to go to work, he was only working 2 days a wk. he was only being nice to me when it benefited him. He was drinking more behind my back, he was relying on me way too much. Just because I asked him to by milk or bread when we ran out he came unglued in the store. He always tells me how we are soul mates I tell him soul mates don't hurt when they are together. His family coddles him, I won't so there for I'm the won who is at fault, there son can do no wrong, but he does have a way of manipulating the situation, I told him he is a good actor he is ready for Hollywood. I told him if he wants this marriage to work he needed therapy and medication not just for 1 or 2 months for a long time. Just once I would like to call the shots. I'm sick of it always being him. I also said I shouldn't have to take a pill to be married to him. lol

Signed tired and worn out


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Re: I'm getting stronger
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2007, 05:41:50 AM »
Hi BB and welcome hon,

Can you give us a bit more information about his behaviour and your relationship.  How much is he drinking?

Keep posting,

Spyralle x


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Re: I'm getting stronger
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2007, 09:41:45 AM »
Dear Friend,
  It sounds like you found the right place.We have all dealt with difficult situations. We are trying to help ourselves and help others.Keep writing  and sharing . I am glad that you are here.         Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I'm getting stronger
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2007, 09:57:40 AM »
Welcome BB:

Sorry this is happening to you.

Sounds like you aren't too confused by his antics any longer.

Have you checked out who's names are on bank accounts and made sure he can't trun off your utilities..... things like that?

Make sure he can't clean out safety deposit box.... take your jewelry.... children.... birth cirtificates and the like?  Credit cards in both your names, etc?

If you're headed for divorce..... interview the best family law attorneys in your town...... at least phone and make appts bc then he can't hire them himself.

Just something to think about.

Take care of yourself and don't bang your head against the wall worrying about what he's doing. 

Think about you.

I hope your illness passed and your feeling better now. 
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 12:15:21 PM by lighter »


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Re: I'm getting stronger
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2007, 11:10:18 AM »
Hello Bunker Binker-

I am sorry that you have been hurting in the ways that you describe. I too was made desperate by the actions (and inactions) of my husband. I had been in an accident and became disabled. My husband "lost" his job and decided that he would no longer work, and instead would play softball a minimum of 5 times a week. He also expected me to take care of everything, pay the bills, etc. He would not help me in the house either, and was highly critical of my every effort.

Lighter is giving sound advice. I wish that I had come to this board sooner and understood what was going on, and protected myself in a more timely fashion. My husband took our savings ( which I had saved- I handled the money) and put it in a separate account exclusively in his name  earlier this year without my knowledge or consent, supposedly in order to make more interest(oh, brother!). He had been looking at expensive places to live (for himself) without saying a thing to me, and had destroyed my schoolwork, lost my flash drive, etc. allegedly because he was, for the first time, trying to "help " me clean out my car (I had no problem with keeping my books and research in my car- he was just trying to find financial information). He began to spend much more money than he brought in with his early retirement check, on pornography ( he hid this from me and the costs were staggering), Starbucks, other degrading and stupid things, and would not contribute to the household bills. When I found out about this he threatened to kill me and said "Pay it or don't pay it", etc...He became violent and told me to stay out of his private life! I was expected to pay for everything, take care of everything, all the while living in fear and isolation.

My life is much better now that he has gone. I am able to budget, go places and have fun, follow my dreams, take care of myself and my health, and come home to greater peace, order and safety. Taking precautions to protect my interests has been extremely beneficial. Please take care of yourself.

I hope that you feel better. I know it is harder to cope when you are physically unwell. Please be good to yourself. Your new and improved life is going to be awesome!

Best to you,


P.S. I adore how you told him off - "Hollywood", "need to take a pill to be married to him" etc. So funny- wish I had said that!


Gaining Strength

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Re: I'm getting stronger
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2007, 01:30:35 PM »
I love your name Binker Bunker.  It is fun to say.

I am so glad that you get fed up when he refused to help you when you were sick.  I remember when my first husband and I were really struggling and I was in a situation that needed his help and instead he demanded that I do something for him and pouted and protested and belittled me when I refused - in an instant I knew we weren't going to make it. 

That was at a time when I had NO idea of what my problems were.  It was the beginning of my determination to get to the bottom of it and it has taken me almost 20 years to figure it out and get ready (l0l) to do something about it but when I was struggling and he not only refused to help but was demanding that I wait on him, as in serve him food and drink and belittling when I said he needed to do that for himself, then naive and ignorant about things of psychology, I put my foot down.  I needed help and he was demanding.

I'm not saying that your situation is the same but I am commending you for knowing your limit.  You are right and he is wrong.  It is that plain and simple.  A soul mate supports and is supported.  You are not getting the support that you need. 

So glad you are here. - Gaining Strength

Gaining Strength

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Re: I'm getting stronger
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2007, 01:31:53 PM »
PS - I don't understand you poll question.  Can you ask it in a different way?


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Re: I'm getting stronger
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2007, 05:52:05 PM »
Welcome, BB...

I am very sorry for what you've been going through.
Please do see a lawyer and line up things to protect yourself...
do it now, and you'll have more strength to face any transition.

I hope you find much strength through sharing here.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: I'm getting stronger
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2007, 05:59:15 PM »
Hi, Bunker_Binker :) 


I was married to a man such as you describe and just want to say I'm glad for you that you were able to get him out without a fight!
Has he gone back to his family now?

If there is anything you'd like to know or share here on the board, you're certain to get plenty of helpful responses... whenever you're ready.
Hope you're having a peaceful weekend!

With love,