Author Topic: Has anyone here been affected by alcoholism  (Read 3545 times)


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Re: Has anyone here been affected by alcoholism
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2007, 10:58:18 AM »
my mom is an alcoholic, as was her father.
i think i was well on my way, but have broken the chain. very difficult, but worth it! yay

Gaining Strength

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Re: Has anyone here been affected by alcoholism
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2007, 12:52:44 PM »
tweety - I connect completely with your initial post.  I definitely see similarities with Nism and alcoholism.  First of all alcoholics are often very narcissistic - thinking only about themselves and never about those around them.  My mother is a reformed alcoholic and my late husband was reformed when we married but a slider after a couple of years and gues who's fault that was?


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Re: Has anyone here been affected by alcoholism
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2007, 02:40:15 PM »
My exNh1 was alcoholic and also addicted to marijuana. The saddest things were that although he quit drinking entirely during his second marriage and was sober for 11 years, he kept the personality of a "dry drunk" (no AA or counseling) and eventually died of liver failure anyway, which was caused by hepatitis he'd picked up in Africa but imo, had to be complicated by underlying damage from all the drinking. He died at 53. Broke my D's heart, and was tragic all around. Three children, two ex-wives and a widow.

I am just grateful I never became one. I was an enthusiastic drinker in college, and a few other things. But I never could keep it up.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Has anyone here been affected by alcoholism
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2007, 03:13:12 PM »
Broke my D's heart, and was tragic all around. Three children, two ex-wives and a widow.
Hops,-- I'm so sorry for your daughters loss , it is such a horrible , devastating, home wrecking, life altering painfully heartbreaking Illness that no -one gets out of the experience w/o painful scars...
I too was an "enthusiastic drinker" back in the day (as they say) , but I also couldn't keep up, thank God for that,

[First of all alcoholics are often very narcissistic - thinking only about themselves and never about those around them. /quote]

Gaining Strength,----I'm so glad someone else See's the connection, thank you for the validation........... let me take a big leap here who's fault it :?......your's lol. Inly hope for you at the time you were able to recognise that it wasn't.

think i was well on my way, but have broken the chain. very difficult, but worth it! yay

Enough--  Yea :P for you, how wonderful, I'm so happy for you you broke the chain.

I was raised in dysfunction so I recreated it in relationships.

Overcomer,-- Oh how I can relate, But I guess were were set up to fail, it was all we knew, I know for me I look at it now that these relationships that I "repeated" , helped me see all this stuff and has led me to recovery. Bravo for you for recognising this.

Love, Tweety


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Re: Has anyone here been affected by alcoholism
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2007, 07:14:58 PM »
Thank you, ((((((Tweety))))).

My D was knocked off the rails by grief and unfinished business. (They had a painful conflicted relationship--he neglected her and blamed her, and wasn't capable of any closeness. Plus, he lavished attention on her stepbrother  half-brother, since they played baseball.) After his death my D dropped out of college twice and took a walk on the dark side. She finished college last year and has hopes now...after 6 years I think she's moving forward. But it cost her.

I grieved for him too. Never hated him, just hated being married to him. But it was terrible that he died so young. He was also a briliiant man, intellectually. And my D lionized him, went through his thousands of books devouring every handwritten note and scrap of paper. One of her tattoos (sigh) is about him--she put it on the inside of her upper arm and showed me how it meant that she could give herself a hug from him.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Has anyone here been affected by alcoholism
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2007, 10:28:47 PM »
After his death my D dropped out of college twice and took a walk on the dark side. She finished college last year and has hopes now...after 6 years I think she's moving forward. But it cost her.

I grieved for him too. Never hated him, just hated being married to him.

(((((((((((((((((Hops & D)))))))))))))))))))))))
I'm so glad to hear your D is moving forward. I know the pain that a mother and child endure, my Daughter took a walk on the dark side as well after her father was gone. Its heart wrenching, devastating and frustrating to say the least. Oh how I can relate to hating the relationship but not the person. My love to you both
Love Tweety


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Re: Has anyone here been affected by alcoholism
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2007, 10:33:19 PM »
Dear Hops, That is heart breaking about the tattoo---- that is, really poignant.
- I am so sorry for the pain that you and you D's have endured--- Tweety and Hops
  ((((((((((((((((((Tweety and Hops ))))))))))))))))))))                     Love     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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   Carl Jung