Author Topic: sharing with people as a way of healing  (Read 7100 times)


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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2007, 04:29:59 PM »

Your post is amazing. You've got incredible insight.

Did you overcome your OCD on your own? That must have been very difficult whether you did it alone or not. What an achievement! Was it the going away to college that was the 'change in environment'? Did you have someone who helped you through that time?

Don't feel you have to answer this, but I'd be very interested, if you'd like to discuss this a bit more.


Life Is Precious

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Overcoming ocd
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2007, 05:06:10 PM »

Yes, I did overcome OCD by the Greace of God Alone. I mean, it was really God and me. No therapist, no one human to confide in about the task that I was undertaking.

I had a terrible desire to wash and wash and wash my hands. I could hardly bear to take my harnds out of the stream of water, because the moment I did, and I remembered my bad feelings, those feelings would 'project themselves' as dirt onto my hands.

I mean, I could see clearly that there was nothing on my hands. That these were just thoughts. But that was the gist of it. I think sometimes, certain violations are so rpofound, so horrendously jarring that it is very, very difficult for the self to cope with it. So, the feelings 'manifest' themselves in ways that can allow you to cope with them. I.e. By washing, i was kind of ridding myself of some of the sickness of that experience.

However, OCD is also a slave-driver because the compulsions can just keep coming. It does not actually free you. But I really had to tell myself " I KNOW these are JUST thoughts. THoughts CANNOT harm me. I am CLEAN. I don't need to wash my hands anymore". I could not have done that if I had no experience or knowledge of God. I mean, a person by himself can feel really buffeted by physical life, if that is all they lean on.

I will always remember that first time when I took my hands out of the sink, saying to myself that God was with me and that this was God's universe and His Reality, so I was just goin g to take my hands out of the sink and turn the water off.

Emotionally, I felt like I had shit on my hands. I leaned on the radiator in my room and cried and cired, but I did not let myself wash my hands again or seek to relive myself of this horrible feeling by washing.

You know, I don't know exactly how the paradigm shift took place, but it did. This is a major miracle. I think when you look forward, into the future, a future of cleanness and good possibilities, THOSE thoguhts become your anchor.

I know I can do all things through Christ who stengthens me. I really want to give the most wonderful encouragement to anyone suffering this. We have mind over matter and then we have mind over mind. The Mind is our friend. If you can honestly let yourself believe in God, in something that you cannot see that is Higher than our current physical existence, then you will find a way through the maze that is OCD. You will battle the minotaur and find your way out into the sunlight.

My best and hugs to all. XXX


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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2007, 05:34:21 PM »

Wow, you are so strong!!

What a thing to have battled on your own.

I haven't ever known someone with OCD before, so I didn't understand how it grabs you. Sounds awful. I should think it's often misunderstood, too?

I got over anorexia without any help. I moved away from my NMum's house (that's what resonated with me, when you said about 'environmental changes'), and once I was living alone, I had proper control over what I was allowed to eat (as anorexia, IMO, isn't about the person controlling their food intake, but the 'carer' doing the controlling, for their own ends - in my case, my NMum, who got attention because of me, and could ignore problems in her marriage while all her energy was on me).

I put on wieght from 73 pounds to 105 in a year (just within the 'normal' range) - that's an increase of 50% of my bodyweight. Just by getting away from her.

I think there are others here who have said they've got OCD, or had it in the past, so you should be able to discuss it others who really understand where you're coming from, if you want to.

It's great to have a more positive future, isn't it?



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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2007, 12:12:34 AM »
Life and Janet...

Your stories really are stories of real healing. Not mrtaphorical


I;m taking the healing Amazons with me to sleeep

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2007, 03:01:36 AM »
Dear Life Is Precious-

Reading your story, I could see how precious YOU are, as well as strong and unique. Your childhood reminds me of the hell that a courageous journalist in Russia is enduring , having been taken against her will, admitted to a psychiatric hospital and sedated, given horrendous shock treatments, etc. as  punishment for writing about Putin's government, etc. You too chose to speak  the truth and have paid a heavy price; it breaks my heart to think of such a betrayal of a child.
That you have not only survived but have thrived as you made your way alone in a new country is a are an inspiring and brave person, someone to look up to and learn from.

Many hugs to you,


Life Is Precious

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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2007, 05:48:18 PM »
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has sent me messages of encouragement and support. They mean SO much to me. I can't tell you. I look forwad to reading every single message that I get.

Janet - yes, it is wonderful to have an unfettered present and future. It makes me want to pray about all those who are currently living with N.Parents. I pray for their delivery and freedom. We are indeed the lucky, lucky, lucky ones to have our lives and freedom now.

Changing - Thank you also for your kind message. For affirming me and lifting up the plight of those punished for having a conscience. That is something that gives me such a strong sense of support.

You know, after I posted on this site, I've realized how deeply I have needed the support and cammeraderie of other human beings, whether they have suffered or not, but just regular people who are there to listen, to believe, respect and support me for just being who I am and for acknowledging all that I have gone through.

That is just priceless!

And this is so right. The acknowledgement, sharing and honoring of these experiences is what redeems the situation. This is what makes the process of moving forward so much more readily accessiible and so much more efficient, so it feels to me just sharing with you. Talking about these things with others really does make the journey of progress take on a momentum that is really great.

So, thanks again for reading and posting your thoughts and responses. I'll be back later to post some more thoughts.

My best regards and hugs til next time.

Life Is Precious

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Thank you to everyone.
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2007, 05:53:36 PM »
I also wanted to say to Ami that I am so pleased to be a blessing to you. If I am a blessing and moral support to you, then I am just thrilled. This is such a bonus. That you are blessed by my progress is a double blessing to me. So, I am gald to share with you.

Hopalong , towrite and Axa - thank you for your affirmations! I really appreciate it.

I'm so glad to have struck up this correspondence with all of you. I think it really is affecting my journey in quite an incredible, substantial way. I have never had such an opportunity before, and I am just getting to grips with the benefits of this. It really is incredible.

You have sown seeds of healing into my life and I'm just at a loss of words when I think of this.


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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2007, 06:04:45 PM »
Dear Life is Precious,

I have been following your posts, and am sorry I haven't responded sooner. 

I am finding it difficult to put into words both the horror I feel at what was done to you and my awe in you and your ability to overcome it.

You are truly a remarkable, admirable person.

One of the things that you wrote that jumped out at me was that you said you weren’t physically abused.  What I see in your story is that your experience goes far beyond physical abuse in the traditional sense of the word.  To me, what you experienced was systematic emotional and physical torture over a period of many, many years. I am so sorry that this was done to you.  And, am completely awed at how you have been able to overcome it and find the beauty in life.

When I first found this place, I lurked for a long, long time.  I was scared to post.  I found just reading extremely helpful – to know, finally, that I was not alone in my experiences.  That healing was magnified exponentially after I started posting and sharing my and other's experiences – it has had a profoundly positive impact on my life.

I have much to learn from you and everyone else here – and am very glad that you are here.

(((((Much love to you)))))
- Life is a journey not a destination

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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2007, 06:52:16 PM »
I do so wish that you would register and become a member.  I do so love reading your posts - so full of courage and encouragement.  I know I can do it too.  Thank you.

Life Is Precious

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A Short Story that I wrote - "Retroactive Catharsis"
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2007, 09:37:40 PM »
I was reading through a few other people's threads and I had this particular reaction to it. It is an imaginary sequence in which I travel back through time to visit that particular situation to confront that person's parents. This is how it goes.


I can see through a screen the unfolding in someone's life. I am getting very angry but I am also very confident, really in control, the way a seasoned lawyer is when she marches into court, knowing that she will win the case hands down. I get on my 'war gear' which includes all my experiences from the present world that I live in, the fair, conscionable adult world which is fair and good to me. This knowledge I pack away - it is the flamethrower that is going to burn away the false premises of that other world that I am going into.

OK. I am ready. I look like myself; I have on a favorite grey skit and jacket, my favorite shoes.

I go. With the sheer force of my outrage, I part the curtains of time, they open like some strange mix of steel and Jell-O. I pull them apart by sheer WILLPOWER! And Bam!!

I am there in the living room of another house in another part of the world. The N.Parent is bulling this girl, who is too mesmerized by the evil unfolding to call it by its name. So I walk in. There!

The N.Mother is surprised! Who the heck is this? I say: "I'll tell you who I am. I am a representative of the Conscience of Humanity. You! STOP using your daughter like she is your TOY!!!

She is NOT there to fulfill YOUR NEEDS! You are the parent, not her! She is not there to serve you or parent you!! You are there to parent her!!

And then, perhaps the daughter will look at me in fear, because people in N.Families are often afraid of standing up for themselves. So I will say to her, calmly but firmly, "My dear, do not worry. This does not look good to you, but the way things were going was also not good for you. Just because it is your parent doing these things, does not make them right. Do not be afraid - you are going to a place where you are going to learn the wonderful skills of saying and feeling whatever you do."

As I say this, she will find herself surrounded by a pale electric glow. She is still in the room, but she has a different perspective of that room. She sees that it is tragic, what has been happening to her. But she also sees that her grief cannot be translated into permitting Narcissism from a warped N.Parent. She is crying, but her tears are clearing up her vision. She sees clearly now.

She says: Mother, why do you not care for yourself enough to nurture and VALUE this short moment in time where you GET to BE a PARENT? Don't you see that this is not going to come again? This is not a resource you can renew on demand? When I am grown up, you will have lost the chance to be a parent forever."

The mother is silent. She is fuming, but this truth demands her acknowledgement. She still wants to abuse emotionally - she cannot get rid of that - but she sees herself more clearly now. She knows she is like a warped piece of glass, like a barren desert that wants to force her daughter to 'make believe' that she is a garden!!!

I tell the mother: "You will not conscript your child or anyone's child or even any adult in the service of your ego."

I repeat: "You will NOT CONSCRIPT your child into the service of your DISGUSTING EGO!!!!"

She is absolutely still now. Her eyes are reptilian with rage at being denied her 'exalted position' of 'martyr in the family'.

The screams at me: “How dare you tell me this! I have sacrificed SO MUCH for this girl. She doesn’t care how much I have suffered. How dare you speak to me like that! You are JUST like my daughter – ungrateful, un-..”

“STOP!!!” I interrupt her. I hold my hand in front of her and say, “By the Power of My Conscience, I Say NO MORE LIES!!”
She wants to shout back - but she cannot talk. Every time she tries to talk, her lies turn into frogs and toads, which spill out of her mouth. She is now horrified! There are so many, many little tree frogs, and exotic tropical frogs, and ordinary garden frogs spilling out of her mouth.

I tell her: "every time you speak a Narcissistic falsehood, you will eat your words in the form of frogs. Do you want that?"

She spits them out, is about to retort with another proud remark, but stops herself just in time, as a nasty little green and red leg sticks out of her mouth. She spits it out.

The N.Mother is now horrified by the reality of her ill doings. I see that she is truly dismayed. So I tell her:

"You are not going to be tormented by these frogs forever. You just simply cannot lie anymore. That's all. As long as you tell your daughter the truth, you do not ever have to worry about being plagued by frogs materialized in your mouth."

The daughter, who was previously scared, sees that this is actually a neutral intervention, by supernatural means, an intervention on the correspondence between her and her N.Mother. Because it is neutral, she does not have to feel guilty. In fact, she is SO grateful, because for the first time in many years, she and her mother actually have a REAL chance of having an honest conversation. She also sees that she has been contributing to her own suffering, not because she wants to hurt herself, but because she has been so pressured into doing it, But she now has that golden light of knowledge which accompanies her and gives her clear perspective. She has Found her Authentic, Golden Self and this Self will help her and stand up for her every time she needs it!

I then take out a special animal carrier, which automatically attract the little frogs into it. I will drop them off in the Amazon, in a rainy garden n in England and in a far away village in India. And then I will return to my own little house in a nice little garden in the USA.

I tell the mother: "Remember: you are an individual before you are a mother. That means, you MUST sort out your needs and your issues AS an individual. BUT, NOTE THIS: Your daughter is NOT your emotional slave, your emotional go-between. She is not the proxy that you use to exact your vengeance, your vision of your vindication.

Also remember that you cannot waste this girl’s daughterhood without also simultaneously destroying your motherhood. And in the end, your daughter may be orphaned but she will find her way and find her 'honorary family' in the world. But you - YOU will not be able to recover your daughter no matter how you try. So THINK about it before you try to trap your daughter into your mind games."

Then, I am ready. The frogs are locked in. Time/space is opening up for me to go. They are both standing there, speechless. The N.Mother is still emanating negative energy, but she is now PRACTISING restraint because she KNOWS what will happen to her if she says anything that is motivated by N.

The light around me is now pink and then golden, as the curtains of time part for me. I tell the daughter:

"My dear, you must now also practice the denial of negative demands made on you. Every time you think of acquiescing, the floor is going to show Jell-O on it, right in front of your feet. I know that is a nuisance, but it is just to let you know that you must think again and consider carefully what it is that you are agreeing to do.”

“As for you, the mother, if you try to physically punish your daughter, two snakes will appear and accompany you everywhere. They will hiss at you about all your pretensions. They will not stop when you sleep. They won't bite you either, but they will not leave you alone. Oh, how you will WISH for death, for oblivion, for forgetfulness – but you CANNOT have them!! You will not be allowed to forget! Oh no! You will have to listen to the lies that you created hissing at you over and over again, incessantly showing you yourself. You will be forced to face yourself every minute of your life!”

“So, if you do not want to be tormented by the external manifestation of your internal nest of vipers and frogs, then you need to CLEAN up your INTERIOR and do some renovating!”

And then, I am off. as we move through the titanium but silky fabric of time, I pray about this situation and I declare God's justice over that place. I say that the daughter is strong and that the mother gets the gift of REAL REMORSE. Real Repentance. I deposit the frogs in Bavaria, London and a little village in Burma, because I am in the mood to improvise on my journey home. They jump off across the light rain. I am statisfied.

Wow, what a day this has been, but I am glad. I love this line of work! I look at myself in the mirror. Grey is a really nice, professional color! And my pearl earrings really do work with my skin tone! I think I may do some online shopping this evening. Later, I will e-mail the daughter and check in with her to see how she is doing. I make myself a cup of tea and turn the TV on. We are just in time for a movie!


(copyright Life is Precious)  :)

P.S. I think I will write a collection of cathartic short stories and see how people like it.


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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2007, 10:00:20 PM »
Precious - that was wonderful!  I hope you do write those stories and post them here.  Will you be honorary Fairy Godmother to the board?
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant

Life Is Precious

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P.S. to my Short Story
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2007, 10:05:39 PM »
I wanted to add that I think N.Parents need neutral interventions which compell them to face themselves. In my story, I use yucky frogs and snakes to do it. I don't like reptiles! : ) I know that the N.Family I came from are still waiting for their neutral intervention. The distance I maintain and my success in my career/life are default signs on the wall for them.

However, equally, I think children of N.Familes really need to be professional with themselves in gaining and maintaining proper perspective. I think often children of N.Familes permit their natural responses as sons and daughters to metamorphose into doing what the parents need. I mean, being a loving son or daughter shows that you are good at that role, but it does not mean that your parents are good at being parents. I absolutely had to learn that it was pointless being a loving person to them, because this simply did not change the N.Parents. Affection and childhood innocence does not cause N. to change. On the contrary, they can so EASILY be conscripted into the service of N. I didn't need too many signs though, I just moved on as quickly as possible.

I enjoyed writing that story. I will definitely write again. As an Epilogue, I hope that the N.Mother in the story repents and cries so hard that it will make the Monsoon look like a third rate joke. Real repentence from any N.Person is such a bonus for both the N. and everyone else.


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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2007, 10:25:53 PM »
Hello Precious-

Hope you are doing well this evening! Do you paint ? A painting of your frog story would be outrageously powerful! Those images, primal and emotional. Love your stories.



Life Is Precious

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Re: sharing with people as a way of healing
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2007, 10:44:39 PM »

I am doing fine this evening. I had some periods of stress this afternoon, regarding the instances of denial in the N.Family. I was feeling alot of aggravation about that. Then later, I felt regret over the sad facts of that history. However, I really did steer my ship away from the rugged rocks of despair from which the siren sings and calls softly to you to come near. Really, dejection and feeling sorry for things is NOT the way forward.

I focused, I looked at this beautiful coffee pot I had got as a present from a friend and cheered up. And then, I asked myself how much more worthy my personality and mind were, as compared to a Bodum coffee pot.

So, in short, I cheered myself up. Then I read someone's story about how their N.Mother had britalized their childhood and I wrote my short story. I feel So Good, after having written it. it really is very good to crustallize my thoughts and have them immortalized on paper. Wonderful. And I am so glad that other people can use them too. This is also just excellent.

I really do appreciate all of you on this board. Thank you for being here and thank you for just being you and for carrying on an honest and authentic correspondence with me. This is just precious.


P.S. to Iphi - I think I would just like to be me, just one of the people on this board who needs and apprecaites all your support, someone who will come here and cry/need your support sometimes, and then be strong at other times. However, my short stories I am sure would be thrilled to be Honorary Fairy Godmother to the board. I find the whole process of writing them very good for me too! Thank you for giving my writing such an honor. ((Hugs to you))

Life is Precious

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can't sleep. feeling very anxious and angry
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2007, 02:25:46 AM »
Hi all,

After all my positive affirmations this evening, I can't sleep tonight. I am feeling so much RAGE against the N.Family. Mainly, it is not that I want anything positive from them. i am just trying to figure out how I can sever any real contact with them per se.

I think part of the issue is that it has not been taken up legally. I get so sick to my stomach when I even remember them. It is not because I;m sad that they were not nice to me. No. Rather it is because I really, really do not want to know that such evil exists.

I just can't sleep tonight. i'm feeling horrible. I think writing my cathartic short story just pulled up even more related negative emotion.

I hope nobody minds my saying this, but I really Hate them. I mean, I just despise them. I cannot see any value in the N.Family that I was raised in at all, no more than I could see value in Hitler. I just WISH I could feel really truly safe. I think that can't really happen until they are dead.

I really wish there was a different universe where I could live.  A completely different world. I don't need to forget anything, I just need to begin somewhere that I do not have to worry about EVER having to deal with them agian. I really deserve to have nothing to do with them.

Sleepless and upset.  :(