This is a post in reply t you over on Hops' Trip thread. Re: Trip report
« Reply #23 on: Today at 10:46:49 AM »
Quote from: changing on October 08, 2007, 09:38:54 PM
Izzy, My Dear Poetess- sometimes it is harder for those who see too well and feel so much- the raging wind that rasps the whitened bone and the slash of stinging salt water in the eyes (you remind me of the clean merciless truth and vision of Georgia O'Keefe in her stark and lonely paintings.)Izzy, you rock.
P.S. Collette certainly sounds like the late June Carter Cash!
Love ,
My you have a way with words, more poetic than I, but thank you for the kudos. I was struck by that knight in shining armour thingy as soon as that email arrived this past Spring, and over 10 years ago, I wrote that song as though I knew what she was thinking, with a bit of artistic license,
Collette does have a good voice and did a number of my songs
Take care now
Then I moved it here, as I saw this last night just as I was going to bed to read, tired eye.
Thigh is healed over now, eye infection under control, pain and headaches gone.
I do get plenty of rest. I get into a good book, and will often go back to bed in the afternoon (read only laying down) end up falling asleep, then again at night. And the laydown is good for my leg.
I find it so annoying if my good turns to another are NEVER reciprocated.
Boy I sure hope Bagworm doesn't return--is he predictable????--I don't think Ns are, as then you would know where and when.
I appears you are always working under one handicap or another. Good Luck with the paper, and everything.
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