Citizen Lupita,
We are so lucky to have you as our fellow American!
About your nose: well, you'll see that on Lighter's thread.
Just tell me why? why chase me? why ask me out? I do not flirt with men I am not interested on. I do not call men I am not interested in.
Because he operates on a different set of values than you do. He was about pursuit. You were about dancing and enjoying the present. It is good that he changed his mind. Look at it this way, when you tell yourself you do the same old sh*t:
You didn't sleep with him.
You didn't marry him.
You didn't crawl across the dance floor begging.
You didn't stalk him or harrass him.
You didn't lose your dignity.
You didn't stop dancing.
I think it's not the same old sh*t at all, you're just
having a reaction. As CB says, female egos are fragile too.
What I liked is when you said you know this man has problems with women. And you knew it. Because my theory is that it's the healthier, getting-healthier-all-the-time part of you that held back! Maybe you didn't run away the first time you met the Sexy Bad Boy. You just danced. And kissed and stuff. Okay, another time you might not even risk that, if you know the consequences would be bad for you with this type of man.
But you didn't marry him!
You didn't sleep with him!
You didn't stop dancing!
So when the reaction is over, I hope you'll see yourself with respect. You have a great deal of pride, Lupita. That's especially sore when somebody rejects you.
But rejections and ins-and-outs and people disappointing you and you disappointing yourself are just being human, not being BAD.
You're a great person, Lupita.
With a great nose.