I asked two ladies from the gym if they wanted to dance at my dance school Saturday meetings and they said yes. one of them aked another lady. This last asked her ex husband to come and dance with the four of us. i asked Two of my classmates to come unmder the promise that I would personally practie with them and help them, so at the end we had a very big group of wonderful epople whose only purpose was one: To have fun dancing.
We found other people to dance with, everybody got a nice practice with eachother and we all had fun, no personal interests, and everybody respectful, and I drove a long distance, and one of the ladies offered to drive next time.
What a wonderful time. The good lesson, is that, If I did not have bad people in the past, I would have taken for granted these wonderful people who went out with me. Now I can appreciate nice moments, nice pepople and nice treatment from people.
Thank you god for my bad experiences. Today I went to church in the morning knowing that I did not do anything that I had to rerert and feeling safe.
Thank you God for this day.