I do believe in God and I will tell you that, although narcissism is sinful, I'm not sure if I can call the people evil per se.
What I believe, from situations I went through, the abusive people were merely living their lives how they always had. Nobody really ever drew attention to the fact that their actions were not healthy or right...till i came along. I am not a silent conformer by a long-shot. When I see things that are cruel, feel wrong, are wrong, I SPEAK UP. As I've said before, "whistle blowers" are not well-liked. We are the ones who shout "HEY EMPORER! YOU ARE MISSING YOUR CLOTHES!' in the midst of the procession that didn't dare to point it out.
The truth is though, nobody ever DID point it out cause it was safer to walk on eggshells, even in my family. When I did point it out, i became the "bad guy" the one who was going to rock the boat, tip the applecart and not "leave well-enough alone"
i'm still that way today, but I do believe that the people in my life were just doing what "comes natural" and couldn't figure out for the life of them what MY problem was and why I couldn't just do like everyone else and cooperate. Try cooperating with unspoken rules though...doesn't work too easily.