Hello Lighter-
I am so sorry that you have been kicked around so much in the quest for justice for you and the babies. It makes me sick and sad. Thank you for revisiting such a painful ongoing wounding in order to help me.I am getting a new attorney before things really heat up- like now! Mine was making sympathetic noises and talking about how the Bagworm's lawyer must have believed something he said in order to violate the law and try to break into my house! That was it for me. But it continued...how some clients convince an attorney and then it turns out they were lying, and the attorney is glad to lose those cases, have ladies lose their children, etc. No thanks- especially when this person was not even familiar with basic language in the standard form (I had to show it to them). YIKES!!!! I feel that I need someone who is aggressive NOW that I have the evidence, etc (ie when a highly paid man suddenly stops working prior to separation, and then absconds with all of the community funds without givng an address, there are established principles and procedures for this sort of thing and it must be pointed out now, not after some bogus suport is awarded)etc., and will put in the proper work to lay things out and put the objective facts in the record, as well as drawing the rational inferences that have been recognized by the courts- it is so much harder to undo an unjust decision than to establish the facts which are in accordance with the rule of law first. In any case, I want everything on the record NOW, not just some quickie hack job so we can "get all of that to the court later", while I am payimg a man who is not working and spending all of our money, and buyimg a new car, etc.
Thank you for your understanding and direction. Stay strong my friend.