Author Topic: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!  (Read 4628 times)


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well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« on: September 23, 2007, 07:45:24 PM »
I just need to vent
When I was in Ontario, 75% of my wheelchairs was paid by Provincial Gov't. not in BC. They are $1700.00 out of my pocket so I get madder under these circumstances.

I suppose in the USA, all States have different thingys too?

Bought a new one last year, and Denise, the salesperson charged me $186 and change for a back--well --Don't all chairs have a back? I wasn't buying a stool on wheels.  No I had to pay for it.

Then she charged me $130.00 and change for removable wheels. I don't have removable wheels. She said I had to pay anyway, even though I didn't order them

Does every fat saleslady think a thin wheelchair person is mentally deficient?

I said I was NOT paying for the wheels and I wanted to see proof that a back was not included with the chair price now! If she couldn't find find proof, then she had to come here and take off the back------then remove the back from my old one and and put it on my new chair.

She capitulated and refunded me for the wheels and back --well it was over $300.00 I might have misquoted above.

All this being tired and falliing and suddenly I have to blame some one so I think of Denise. Who else?

I jumped into my old chair with the sagging seat and the footrest held on with elastic bands and took the same 'round the 2 block journey' that I did just Thursday. I came home refreshed and not tired and I have left a messagge for Butch in repair to get here with his WD-40 and a screwdriver because I have a broken leg from being tired from pushing Denise's dam*ed chair!

Whew! Did I vent? I made the pic below to send to my sister Ruth, normal or torture? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :? :?


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« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 07:48:48 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2007, 09:57:42 PM »
Dear BC Izzy-

When I  had my bad accident, my wheelchair, hospital bed at home, etc were free- I had to pay for other stupid things, though.
I had fallen dead asleep, almost a narcolepsy type thing today- I guess the hard labor and tension got to me. How delightful to awaken to a fine example of Izzyfication, and that incredible art work??!!?? How on earth did you do it, O Great Izz?

Love to BC From USA,



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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2007, 12:04:54 AM »

I just finished a new DVD and another is hot to trot.

This was just a vent--all usually works out in the end, I have found. If I had a roommate this post would never be, but he/she would have heard a lot of cursing in real time.

I use paintbrush program. It can be painstaking but not as much as when I first began. It is so useful, yet I think many people think of it as a 'kids drawing board'.

Take care.

you have your physical fence and I have my mental fence. I thought of that from your thread.


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« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 01:05:01 AM by isittoolate »


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2007, 03:41:48 AM »
Well Shiver Me Timbers!

I am going to try the painbox program. I have to read about levels of excuses and justifications for criminal acts, etc, do briefs of cases, then a bit of paintbox and finally sleep. Sometimes I get@#$%^&&**** mad, which is actually quite similar to your expression of unbridled fury!!!

Go Get Em Izzy!



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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2007, 06:43:57 AM »
LOL!  Oh Izzy.... I bet you weren't the only one who went to bed last night, mumbling to yourself, lol.

I bet that sales lady's eyes ticking.... too... lol. 

So.... did I miss something or what?  You got her to drop the extra charges...

THEN HOPPED back INTO your old chair and wheeled home with an adrenaline burst that gave you energy but no  new  chair?


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2007, 06:13:55 PM »
Misses Izzy and Lighter-

Who knows, there may be a picture of Izzy floating about regional wheelchair establishments with BEWARE printed beneath the face!!!! I am sure that she made a lasting impression! Bully to you Izzy, you rebel accountant!!!




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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2007, 08:58:09 PM »
Thanks gals,
The young man came today and made the wheels less tight for wheeling, but the main test will be when I take a 2 block stroll., and.............................

...........he noticed a little light switch, in pieces, on my desk. began fooling with it and ended up taking my lamp home to fix. I paid $90 for that lamp and the switch had not been put on properply, not to mention it was not the right kind of switch. He called later to say that and that he had a switch hanging aroung and would put it on but it was kind of ugly. I said to go ahead, thanks (as I had no idea if I would ever have that lamp working again. It was probably only worth $3.99 anyway!)

Checkmate Cab has put me as Priority 1 on there list when I call.

My leg is still ugly with the big blood blister on the shin, but is less inflamed. I knew I gained another sore on my knee, and if I hadn't noticed, it is serious, I have a pressure sore on my heel. Extra padding there now.

A friend just sent an email and ended with " It is amazing to me how you take things in your stride" and I guess I do.


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2007, 10:41:11 PM »
Hello Izzy-

I am so unhappy over your poor leg- pressure sores are abuse, it seems to me. I had casts for a year, feet of staples on my foot and leg and no pressure sores. And blood blisters and wounds too. Dear thing. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR that makes me angry.
At least you have a cute guy overseeing the casts now. And of course the chummy fella with the switches!!!! And the sweet taxi guy!!!! Hmmm. Way to go, Izzy!
How is your routine going? I hope transportation and such are not proving to be too costly and tiring. I have spent money that I hadn't counted on for moving my furniture out of the house and such and I hate having to spend savings for stupid unplanned things like that. Speaking of furnishings, is that a picture of the lamp that the "guy" fixed? I looks interesting- is there a story with it? You have such good taste- all of my things are very plain except the paintings- maybe you can advise me in buying new items when my ship comes in (don't see it docking yet but I'll let you know!)
Well I'd better get back to my law school work. I am joining the bar and getting cards this week! Must get busy so that I can embarrasss myself yet again with silly ideas and answers in class!

Love and Best Wishes for Swift Healing,


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2007, 11:42:07 PM »
Hiya changing

Darned pressure sore-- how did it happen? Might have been my own fault. With the cast, it is the heel of it that slides across the floor in my attempts to position myself for transfering, and to not put weight on that leg. PRESSURE. I will stop doing that. When I could first move my legs to right and left in bed, after the accident, I slid them both all the time to 'be sure it was true' or to excercise them. I had pressure sores begin and they made me wear sheepskin booties.--- I think it is me as there is no pressure otherwise--no presseure sores otherwise.

I never had pressure sores other that what I just mentioned.

I wouldn't be much help in current decorating, as when the guy came re the wheelchair, he said "Oh how '70s, and even Perry Mason on TV."

It was rather funny as no one has ever commented before. I bought new furniture when I felt like it, years back, and again and again, then this living room stuff was to withstand teenagers, so is '70s.--then daughter left home and I still have it! Kinda funnyy???????

The lamp is newer as my old halogen desk lamp gave out. I have had to purchase and new TV and VCR at separate times when my 20 year old ones wore out.

When I die, everything will be worth nothing. I will have had my use out of it, and likely only computers will be current. Oh. I have a new business phone with Call Display and that was regarding the N. That is me....use it until it irreparably breaks down. That is my Mom too.  Oh, I have a new funnel too!  :mrgreen:

She was in hospital for 6 years, where she died. They played bingo and one day a man borrowed 10¢ from her. She waited and waited for him to pay her back and when he didn't she asked him for her 10¢. He gave her a quarter to keep. She said she didn't want 25¢ she just wanted her 10¢.

She always talked about going to the poor house, when we were kids. I was frightened to death of this 'poor house'. She was afraid of dying broke, yet her cheques were coming in faster than she could spend. My brother was Executor and would regale us with comments she would make. I'm not entirely like her but I have some traits.

Take care and I hope you are not being badgered!

« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 11:45:05 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2007, 04:35:52 AM »
So... did I miss something or did you get a new chair yet, Izz?


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2007, 04:55:40 AM »
Bought a new one last year, and Denise, the salesperson charged me $186 and change for a back--well --Don't all chairs have a back? I wasn't buying a stool on wheels.  No I had to pay for it.

Then she charged me $130.00 and change for removable wheels. I don't have removable wheels. She said I had to pay anyway, even though I didn't order them
quote] From first  post



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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2007, 05:01:32 AM »
Bought a new one last year, and Denise, the salesperson charged me $186 and change for a back--well --Don't all chairs have a back? I wasn't buying a stool on wheels.  No I had to pay for it.

Then she charged me $130.00 and change for removable wheels. I don't have removable wheels. She said I had to pay anyway, even though I didn't order them
quote] From first  post


AHHHH I thought I read that you ended up in your old chair out of aggravation again????

I did read the above and was unhappy you ended up going through all that and NOT getting your new chair... lol.

Not sure how I got that but...... is it a nice chair, lol?


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2007, 05:07:34 AM »
It is the same as the other only it is new, has no sagging seat and is not held together with elastic bands. Now has looser wheels and is easier to manoever.--a chair is a chair except if one goes for a sports chair, or a battery operated one.

I did end up in my old one as a comparison for the smoothness of the ride and ease of pushing. I always have 2 chairs.

****going to bed!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 05:09:16 AM by isittoolate »


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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2007, 11:41:38 AM »
Wise Thing Izzy-

When I had a chair, if there was a problem, fuggeddabouddit. I was stuck, and couldn't take it anywhere for repair (couldn't drive). I never thought of a spare (du-oh). Glad you have a beautiful new  perfect wheeelchair. Please feel better and heal those sores and such (GRRRRRR- those docs) ASAP.




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Re: well @#$%^&&^%$#@-- sometimes I get mad!
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2007, 12:03:57 PM »
It is the same as the other only it is new, has no sagging seat and is not held together with elastic bands. Now has looser wheels and is easier to manoever.--a chair is a chair except if one goes for a sports chair, or a battery operated one.

I did end up in my old one as a comparison for the smoothness of the ride and ease of pushing. I always have 2 chairs.

****going to bed!

My father has only one chair.  It's a bit of a wreck too. 

I feel like that's the next thing to buy him but..... I'm a bit torn bc 7 years ago he had a flat tire, during my brother's wedding.... and he WALKED bc he had no choice.

He hasn't tried to do any walking since, that I've witnessed besides once (which I'll share)  and I can't focus on all the chairs out there.... imagine if I got him a battery operated one, for instance. 

His left arm wouldn't get any activity, aside from the tv button :?

At least this way.... he kinda uses his good leg to steer and his good arm to move forward with.

So.... that said.... what to do what to do?  Rhetorical.

Do I get him a chair that conveniences him even further in his dependency on his caretaker, who's not so young herself?

Or do I get him the same chair, shiney new arm covers not trailing stuffing and a lock lever that doesn't keep losing it's little gray top? 

You know..... I walked in once and found him standing accross the room from his Easy Boy, standing... completely surprised....

adjusting the tv set,

which is his life.

He can walk!

 He just won't do it whenever someone's around and we can see him :shock:

I had no idea chairs were so expensive though, that's for sure.