Lighter- Thanks for awarding me points. I'm not giving boots or bronze back.

I would, however, expect one and all to issue a
command to disarm myself if I ever abuse my amazonian tools.
Bella- It is so sad about those trusting little birds. I'm with everyone else- about the guy being scary. What a shame you cannot
go into the forest alone anymore.
Izzy- When you said not to ever do that to you- did you mean for me not to, or anyone not to? If it was not clear in what I wrote,
I would not have done it this way with anyone else beside Stormchild, even though my intention was benign. I think you
were just speaking in general?
Way back when I was first on the board, I know you never intended for me to stop talking about some things about my own
mother, but I wondered if some of the things I was saying were having an effect on you, and you said-in general- you
wondered about all us daughters on the board in reference to your daughter and yourself. I made that decision on my
own- to cut back on talking about my mother- perhaps it could be called codependent. I just know that now, since you have
your fence, as you put it, and you and your daughter are emailing, if I ever feel the need again, I will talk about what I need
to about my own mother with much more ease.
I just want to say I wouldn't do that to you- what you said about don't ever do that to me.
Stormchild- the way you spoke about me in third person was not hurtful.
To All- I thought of a specific instance to illustrate what I was trying to describe. I posted once and made a comment that my BF
and I were talking and she said if a certain person was on fire at the end of her driveway, she wouldn't even p--- on them
to put them out. I said that even if I saw Hitler on fire, I'd probably not think first, and I'd go grab her garden hose. ( I
worked in the ER for many years.)
Shortly after making that comment, I read some of Stormchild's commentary about deceptive self-disclosure. I then
proceeded with my cognitive distortions : Oh no, she's talking about me, how dishonest am I, she knows I really wouldn't
do that in real life and she's writing about it, who do I think I am, etc. etc.
Does my initial post make a bit more sense?
cats paw