Dear Zombie.
I am going to give a "strong "answer based on my experience.
I have been married for a long time to an N(ish) man. I was left alone emotionally with no help and two small children to try to navigate my way through abuse and N type of behavior in my marriage.. It almost broke me,but I found the board and have been healing( and so has my H)
This is what happened that I want to warn you about. A man came in to my life who was totally "perfect". He made me feel beautiful, cared for me and even went to the dentist with me. He had all the traits that I thought that I wanted in a man. I had one problem ,though. My gut was SCREAMING at me that he was not 'safe". I pushed my gut down to a degree,but not totally. After I got stronger from being on the the board,I realized that he was worse than any N. He was a sociopath.
There seems to be a 'loose" rule that we go "down" rather than up when we are "escaping" from one bad type of person to another.
When I hear that he makes you feel beautiful, warning bells go off inside me. It is fine that you feel this around him. It just hits me that the intoxication indicates an abusive relationship,.particularly when you have chosen one N, already.
My advice would be not to sleep with him,for sure. If you do, your emotions will make you lose your discernment. If you lose your discernment, you are screwed.
My grandmother gave me great advice that has saved me ,many times in situations like yours. It was "act like a lady."
My grandmother was so wonderful. I pass her advice on to you.I hope that it will help Love Ami