Dear MS,
You have been so blessed to have had a wonderful Grandmother. It means so much more to us( with N parents) than the 'normal" person,I think.
When you took her home,I thought that you are "paying her back" for the love and kindness she gave to you .
I am inserting my precious grandmother in to your picture. She gave me everything good and strong that I have ,today. She made me feel special. Also, with her , I could just be a "crazy kid" and it was O.K.
She gave me unconditional love. I don't remember ONE painful experience with her .It was all love, kindness and fun,too.
MS, you gave back such a wonderful and unselfish gift to your grandmother. I am so proud of you and glad did the "right' thing,even though it is hard and burdensome.
My Grandmother died in her sleep. However, a week before, she called me-- just to talk. She never did this b/c her generation did not call long distance(2000 mile away) just to talk. She told me precious things like she knew exactly what my "hands" looked like.She said that she always noticed people's hands I thought that it was 'strange" that she called to talk about "little sentiments". She died a week later. She was saying good -bye.. I did not realize it. I was having a fight with my H and said that I had to go. The next time I heard( a week later) she had died .
MS, it is the circle of life. She gave you a grandmother's love and you gave back a grand daughters Is so beautiful that she is there in a home-- with people who love her.You and she are in my prayers. (((((((((((MS and Meemaw))))))))))))))
Love Ami