Once again, thanks for the welcome. In fact, thanks to everyone who's posted on this forum -- your insight, sharing your lives, and the links have proven invaluable to me. My head is spinning and my stomach is churning. I have to wonder if my burning desire to "learn" has been a quest to prove to myself that all this did happen. There is so much that I don't recall apparently; and there is so much that I say "yes, but she........." A victim protecting the perpetrator.
My hands are shaking as I'm typing because I completely recognize my mother in many of these NPD traits -- specifically, arrogant, haughty, patronizing, contemptuous, negative, pessimistic, cynical, insulting, emotionally abusive, totally alienating friends/family, secretive, no sense of humor except for sarcastic jabs, totally authoritarian, perfect facade. I could go on.... So maybe I'm actually on the same avenue after all!! Who knew?! No coincidences.
*sigh* Never love something that doesn't love you back. Isn't my husband capable of loving me????????? Well, I keep insisting to him (and to myself!) that he is capable. 25 years of insistence actually. I think this is may be the tip of the iceberg. I fear that I have had some DEEP denial for a long long time. Years of therapy have only scratched the surface.
Recently I went for EMDR therapy and make some very interesting progress. However, I think it stirred up some dangerous *stuff* and I fled. The picture is becoming more clear.
So again dear new friends, keep posting! I am working my way through the posts a little at a time; that's all I can manage with these revelations at this point.