((((((((((( Thank You Everyone ))))))))))))
Gosh, truly, I am overwhelmed by your kindness. Been tucked up in bed with a dreadful cold.
The last few months have been tough, painful, as my neighbour spread words of false rumour, which bearing in mind that they are long established in this rural village only served to make life quite unbearable.
But, I must be an overcomer! Because here I am standing (knees like jelly - but no-one can see!)
My Dad has been an absolute trial and test of patience and forbearance, but, amazingly, I have adhered to my set boundaries. He did not/does not like me saying the "No" word - but "With respect" has been a tremendous helpful tool.
Sometimes I feel that I have forgotten that which I have learned through the investment of my time and resources; i.e. books and research etc., then 'Wham' it springs in ............... or if not, then I trundle back to my archive files, or heaving bookshelves!
Seemingly, it is a life-long ongoing process! Maybe?
(((((((((((((( Overcomer, Certain Hope, Izzy, Em aka Nursie, Lighter, Gaining Strength, Besee, Lupita ))))))))))))))
please forgive me if I missed someone ((((( to all on board )))))
Soul Searching, Truth Seeking, Leah xx