Dear Pops,
That is awesome about your husband's flowing feelings... as difficult and painful as it is, I know that you all will be blessed by the release of these ancient toxins. I think that he is a very, very brave man.
You know, I wouldn't even have had a clue how to identify some of my own feelings, much less let them loose, if I hadn't felt safe enough with my husband to know that he wouldn't use them against me. Your H must know that in his heart about you... and that is a very special gift from God, imo. I hope it's okay to say... I just really have the highest expectant hopes for your family : )... but then, I always have had.
Someplace on the board I saw your greeting to me... thank you for that

I'm "finding" myself these days. At times I'm far less than satisfied with what appears in my viewfinder, but God gives me assurance that He is not weary of my slowness in apprehending... so mostly I'm just very, very grateful. Still smoke-free... not feeling the greatest as far as energy levels or motivation, but that feels more like a spiritual attack than a physical condition... so I'll keep my nose in the Word and continue guarding my heart.
OH! I will be going to work part time for our local schools, beginning next week...part time clerk... so I'm excited about that. To have the same schedule as my children is a huge blessing and the timing is ideal, as always, to help cover the cost of dental work and... whew, do we ever need a new mattress set (part of my current issue = back/muscle aches). SO - that's the news

As I read you across the board here, Pops, I hear a new lilt in your voice and that always makes me smile... just wanted you to know that.
It's always a pleasure to read you.
Much love to you, Sis
And (((((((((((Leah)))))))))))) Thank you, Sister, for allowing me to post again here, off topic this time... I hope you're having the very most blessed day. No school till Monday, so I'll be hoppin around here

Much love and more hugs,