Author Topic: Some Good News  (Read 4299 times)


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Some Good News
« on: August 27, 2003, 11:03:07 AM »
Hello friends,

Have any of you ever considered seeing a kinesiologist?  I have been going for about three months and am taking supplements for anxiety, depression and allergies - It is helping with this stuff tremendously.  They specialize in finding the biochemical pathways in your body and testing for obstructions caused by trauma - physical, mental or emotional, and then they repair the obstruction with natural supplements.  May sound like mumbo jumbo, but I assure you it is not.  It was a cancer patient who recommended this person to me, and she has been in remission for 10 years.

The one I see is particularly good, because she is also an internist as well as a chiropractor.  Therefore she is able to combine all of her medical knowledge with alternative healing methods.

When I went to see her, I was at my wits end - I've done soooo much psychological work this year, inner child stuff, and so forth, and still found myself with the same symptoms.  Inability to sleep through the night, waking up incessantly worrying about nothing, bad dreams, inability to focus on projects during the day, cry at the drop of a hat, pick fights with my husband for nothing, endless body aches and pains, dreading the morning light.  I have never been suicidal; I am loosely diagnosed with mild dysthymia.  Even though I have always been highly functioning, I was unhappy most of the time.  But I remembered periods of time in my life where I looked forward to every day.  I remember watching the commercials for Paxil (the little egg guy) and thinking, that sounds like me.  I USED to be happy. What happened?

Still, I had issues with breaking down and going for antidepressants.  I felt like somehow it was giving in.   I've always felt that I wanted to get to the root of the problem and repair it rather than cover up the symptom. Slowly I've come to terms with the fact that it's not a shameful thing, it's just like a diabetic taking insulin.  Still,  I wanted to exhaust all possibilities before I actually got a prescription.

I shared these feelings with my massage therapist (she is into alternative medicine) and she recommended the kinesiologist.  Now I will be honest, I am not miracle cured.  However, she has made a difference in my life.   After the first month of taking the supplements I was sleeping through the night about 90% of the time.  I still have bad dreams, but it is more like once a week than every night.  And my body aches and pains have completely disappeared, with the exception of infrequent soreness from grinding my teeth at night.  

My husband and I are getting along better, I can actually feel myself handling stressful situations with peacefulness.  Yesterday was probably the first time in two months that I got into emotional "trouble" with my mom and husband, and I got over it so much more quickly than I would have in the past.  And most of all, when I have to spend the day with my Nmother, I seem able to "zone out" when I feel her beginning to control and put her claws in me.  She even told me, "you seem less irritable lately, I don't know why but has something changed?"  A year ago, I can assure you, after our argument last night I would have been going back and forth with her on the phone today dragging it out and feeding her Nsupply.  She has tried to call me twice this morning and I have not returned her calls.

Lastly, the supplements have helped me to FOCUS.  I make further progress in my therapy, when I thought I had reached a plateau.  And I finally reached a decision I was struggling with for a year - whether or not to have a baby.  I went off the pill five weeks ago.

I am not "cured" yet.  But I feel strongly on the road to recovery.  I wanted to share this with you in case anyone else is feeling desperate.  I was so frustrated, I really felt like I had done everything I could to feel better emotionally through counseling, book reading, journaling, etc. and I still was feeling bad.  This woman was so reassuring - so confident -  she said " I CAN help you, and you WILL feel better.  I see this all the time, and much of this is physical. We will find the problem and fix it."  :D  

She conducted a series of fascinating, painless tests and found and extreme disturbance in my adrenal gland, a severe lack of seratonin (the chemical that basically allows you to be happy) .  It is probably the same conclusion that a psychiatrist would come to, but she treats it differently.

I am taking high doses of specific vitamins and other oils that are re-balancing this imbalance.  The supplements to directly to the adrenal gland, repairing and HEALING, instead of an anti-depressant going to the brain.  The logic is that even though the antidepressant does the same thing, it is not "curing" the source, it is simply relieving the symptom.  Therefore, when you go off the antidepressant, the symptoms will return because they were never removed - just suppressed.   :o The interesting part is, that these imbalances are caused by trauma - and can very well be from EMOTIONAL trauma.  I was also hit by a car when I was five, and this contributed to it, because of experiences I had in the hospital for two months.

If anyone is in the Chicago area and is interested in seeing this doctor, please send me a private message and will give you her name and phone number and office location.  If you are not from the Chicago area, I would not just look anyone up the in the phone book for this type of thing. Do some research and try to get some references.  There are a lot of phonys out there.  But there is a new movement of natural healthcare providers emerging that are shunned by the medical society, and for understandable reason (they will sustain significant financial loss if people turn to supplements rather than prescription drugs, that is a whole other discussion).  Look for healthcare provider organizations that include the initials "PRN" in their names.  This is a latin expression for "as needed medical attention" and is sort of a code for natural health options.
CC - 'If it sucks longer than an hour, get rid of it!'


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Some Good News
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2003, 03:03:08 PM »
We had a little discussion some while ago on energy healing and kinesiolgy (see Nic's post 'How I feel on a bad day').  I think it's particularly useful for those of us without a voice.

I started with occasional cranial osteopathy and reflexology sessions some ten years ago and have progressed via kinesiology to a variant of reflexology called metamorphic technique and energy field therapy.  

Finding myself in the middle of so much pain and change, I've had one session every week for the past couple of months and sometimes two.  I decided to invest in my'self' as much as I invest in my business!  It's a case of 'do what's needed and trust that the future will take care of itself' which I believe it will.

So I second the motion for energy therapies!!
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Some Good News
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2003, 09:49:18 PM »
And a resounding third from me!  How strangely coincidental that i have been seeing a chiropractor for the last five weeks or so (due to my fall amd my car accident, remember)  and I am in love with the therapy.  I have felt 1000% better, more clearheaded, more strong emotionally, can handle stress better, less cloudy thinking, I don't get as depressed or for as long.  I have been able to get along better with my husband and am perceiving him in a new way which is helping our relationship and also his N mannerisms seem less bothersome.  I have a passion for each day and for the future.  I can focus better.  I am planning on adding some yoga and prayer/meditation to the mix.  I don't know if I can afford anything else right now, my auto insurance is paying for the chiro.
