Dear Hops,
What powerful and poignant writing that is. I started having a "phobia" about throwing up very young. I guess that having these types of fears is not that unusual.Thank God,it never happened ,but every day of my school life from first grade on,I was worried about it( and still do-- Gulp).
The articles and letters seem to be about "voicelessness". They look at our "traumas' in a "different" way. We can take our life and our pain and own it. Then, we can use it to be of service to others---YIKES. Our pain can be transformed. Those letters deeply touched me. I will not forget the descriptions of people "turning on themselves". People had so lost their person hood that they could not raise their hand to use the bathroom.
. Thanks for the articles--Hops . Love Ami
I am sorry that you were that voiceless little girl, Hops. I bet that you were a darling girl.