Dear Lupita,
As I wrote on the other thread, what you describe is what I call not feeling "real." I became like that at 14. That is why I am on such a quest to get "real" b/c I lived my life from 14 on--- not actually being "there".I went through life as not "me.". I am very,very tired of it. That is my impetus to keep facing the truth--so the false self can die and the real self can emerge. In the real self is joy,fun, vitality, passion, love and freedom.
I think that dissociation kicks in from trauma. We can't help it. I am almost "real' now after a year on the board
We shut down our true self and a false self comes out to help us get along in life and protect us from hurt. We concluded that our "real" self got us all the abuse ,so we develop a false self that will be "better" and then maybe we will be loved .So, we become "fake.' We can be "fake" nice or "fake angry or "fake" compassionate or "fake anything. However, the real self is pushed down somewhere inside us.It is banished b/c we believed that it was "bad"
However, the false self is numb. We feel "lost". We feel depressed. We need addictions in order to "feel" so we are codependent and addicted to many other things.
The quest(IME) is to uncover the "real" self. There was never anything ever really wrong with it. We were told that there was by our parents. We wanted to be loved so badly that we threw it away b/c we were told that it was bad. Think of a child. A child does not need an addiction in order to be happy. They are happy b/c they are "free" and real".
So, of course ,life did not work for you Lupita (or me) b/c we were not really there. Much of us was still in the past 'reliving" the pain----over and over.
That is what I am learning from the inner child exercises.All your(my) pain is a "clue" to how you can help yourself. It is a result of "false thinking. When you face it dead on---it will leave b/c it was never true anyway.
For me, when I share on the board,I am facing the truths of myself and my life. People share back and we both heal. Then ,we are one step closer to being free and "real' Love Ami