By the WAY--I forgot to mention that my 3 year old screamed his little head OFF when I went to 'deliver' them to the 3rd party exchange facility on Friday night. SCREAMING and CRYING--"I wanna stay with MOM!!" Over and over and over. Would not let go of me and then was reaching out to me while my daughters carried him inside.

I felt so bad for him, it was heartbreaking!

And then....very satisfactory since these people who help with the 'safe' exchange can and will testify in court about this kind of thing. Good boy...but so sad.

About the finances:
Yes, Hops, I should know these things for sure, but the end HE will have to handle it because it is his responsibility. I DO have the cash since I sold the grand piano a few weeks ago (thank heaven) and the help I have received has helped me save cash up---thanks to good hearts of those who do care about my children. I just had to do this to "buy time" and put it back on his shoulders where it should be. I have my own accounts now and a secured credit card so i really don't give a dang about that account except for something like this. I know I can apply for hardship, but I am leaving this ball in his court so he can be a man for once.
He is in contempt for shutting down these services already and we are just going to follow the slow legal system with it. I am just saving up for the eventual things I will need as I sell more household items. Car and new housing. Also applied for grants and whatnot, as changing is thinking, but those take a little while to hear back about. I would LOVE to work, if I was not running after 6 kids all day. I still could and am finally in a position to tackle that situation, he just takes up so much time dealing with his nonsense. Like yesterday, if I was at work, my kids would have been home alone and had to handle the electric company alone..and probably have just been sitting there and had it shut off on them. As it is, I shuffle them to 3 different schools each day and 2 of them to work and tutoring and necessary activities. And the preschooler goes everywhere with me. Childcare alone is staggering. Pricewise...I have to wait for the divorce process, which is slow to ask for the support I need from him, I guess. I am finding that out too.
Finding stuff out is just a slow process since everything has to be documented from attorney to attorney and then HIS plays dumb or "unavailable" a lot and does not have email, of all things! Just tactics. I do what I have to wait for that but I just chip away at the information and arrangements with him as needed.
Today my son told me about when he (my NH) threw a fit the last weekend visit and went to his basement room and started throwing things around. He (my son) was worried that he was taking down all the photos of the kids he put up all over the walls. Like weird amounts, hundreds. Just so many things wrong with that scenario. Then of course, like I said in another post, his momma dum dum had to calm him down and tell him to be nice to his kids and take his meds. Poor kids.
Thanks to all for bothering to read and care and cheer me on and help with advice. I know I run on a lot.
