Another thought has flown through my brain cells, as usual, and here is the discussion topic.
All my life, I've been told that is it NOT RIGHT to be proud...I don't mean like proud of an accomplishment materially...I mean PROUD IN MYSELF.
So, as I go through life, KNOWING of an area I've "arrived" in, which YES I do believe people CAN arrive in certain areas of their lives and be EXPERTS at information in those areas, well, when, I wonder is it OK to realize that you HAVE achieved a goal, that you DO know BETTER than some other people, that you ARE an expert in whatever it is...cause there seems to be an underlying "smack on the hands" anytime anyone, ESPECIALLY A CHRISTIAN, dares to say "yes, I know better than you do about such and such, so let me teach you, show you, demonstrate.
For instance, I am rather accomplished as a woodcraft painter, in tole painting. I would not see my items as equal to someone's who has just started painting and has no clue about shadow or highlighting. I'd see my items as, dare I say it...BETTER THAN OWWWWWWWW ...does that now make me PRIDEFUL? POMPOUS? SNOBBISH? maybe even NARCISSISTIC?
Cause I'll tell you the truth, from my own perception. almost EVERY PERSON on this planet, does something, makes something, is something, that, to them, they are thinking "I KNOW BETTER ABOUT THIS THAN SO AND SO"...the only difference, as a former mentor of mine once said, is that, by my speaking out of personal "pride" I am merely saying what others are wishing they dared to.
I'm not afraid to say I'm better than someone at something. I'm just not.
PS. I am not afraid to say that HOPS is a person that is wiser than most people I know and even in some ways, wiser than ME.