As I was making my bed, considering some of the posts on the board, i was remembering some of the convos my mother and i have had in the past about how i raise my own girls...
mom: "aw why would you deprive your daughters of the same fun you had believing in santa claus?"
me: "I'm not depriving them of fun. I am not going to have them grow up and ask me "what else did you lie to us about mom? Is JESUS a fable too?"
mom: "oh that's ridiculus. It never hurt ANY of you kids!"
me; "that's not the point. I am choosing to tell my children the truth about ALL things, even santa, the tooth fairy, easter bunny, etc.
mom: "I just don't see what harm it would do..."
Another Convo:
mom: " kids grew up watching Bewitched and stuff like that. It's just harmless make-believe."
me: "according to my beliefs, witchcraft is against the Bible"
mom: "well it's just make pretend, people dressed up. You used to watch that stuff and it never hurt you any."
me: "that is debateable. I became a witch and occultist, mom"
mom: "I don't see what harm it could do."
me: "Well, besides being against the Bible, it also creates the idea that children can "think" and whatever they want, will come to them. That is distorted, mom"
mom: "ohhhhhh please!"
See, I spent even my married life, with my beliefs being invalidated, being told I was ridiculous and strange and going "overboard"
Hence, why I will openly tell you all that I AM a radical follower of my faith. I make no apology in that. What I have learned to do, is to allow other people to be who they are, whether they choose Jesus' way or not. Free country and I don't want to get seen as a control-freak or dictator.
My mother is Catholic and we do not see eye to eye on many things, but she still wants me to see that what was good for the goose (me as child), is good for my ganders (my children)