Author Topic: A moment for Mattie  (Read 1616 times)

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A moment for Mattie
« on: June 23, 2004, 03:14:38 PM »
Has anyone seen that little poet, idealist, Mattie Stepanik on Oprah's show?
He has written books and done so much good with his short life (13) years old, but he succumbed today to his illnesses.

I thought maybe everyone could say a little prayer if they've been touched by this little angel on earth. His book "Heartsongs" is his essence.

Sorry to be off topic, but this little guy could touch the heartstrings and hopefully be a healing voice for some here who could use it.


mighty mouse

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A moment for Mattie
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2004, 03:15:43 PM »
That last post was me, mighty mouse.


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A moment for Mattie
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2004, 09:27:49 PM »
Hi MM,

It's been awhile since but yes, I've seen him on Oprah, and yes I was touched by his little spirit.   Well, big spirit in a little, frail body.

I'm sorry to hear that he is no longer with us.   Souls like him are great to have on the planet--they teach others so much.    Though, I'm hoping that he is where he needs to be now, and is at perfect peace.

Yes, I will certainly say a prayer for him.

Thanks for mentioning it.   I hadn't heard.