Little by little, I make inroads in to healing shame. Yesterday, I talked to my Aunt for a long time. I see that she is not perfect. She has worries and has fears. She is "stable" and accepts herself,but she is not "perfect". She never asked to be made perfect. I did it.
I see that she has herself 'in order, though. She has her self" functioning so that she can go forward in life without recycling "garbage", on the hamster wheel, all the time, as I have been doing.
I want to get to the point where my insides are in order and I can go out in to the world--living in the present----not replaying past dramas all the time------bleh.
My Aunt does that, I think.
As far as shame, I feel more like I am "human",now. My dog does not have to be house trained perfectly, as a small example(lol)(She is a Yorkie---- notorious for hard housebreaking. )
I feel like I can express my emotions and thoughts more .Maybe I can own this small square of real estate---me. Maybe,I can be just OK . Ami