I too have touch issues.
I long for it.Someone to soothe my aching muscles with gentleness and who wants me to caress them back.
But I am terrified.
I don't touch and everyiome I do,If the person I touch recoils I feel ,like I am offensive,by touch just a poison they sense and want to not touch them,like I carry typhoid..
I was in an incubator in the 60s for a month as a preemie baby. Back in those days they kept the lights on all the time in the nursery(I got eye damage trom this) and the nurses didn't touch the babies in incubators alot. They were more concerned about sanitation than mental health.Babies were always spanked on the rear upon thier entry into the world,the doctors back then didn't know babies would breathe thier first breath without being hit.
(talk about a bad welcome into life and normalized ignorant abusive sickness of adults)
Babies will just wither up and die without touch.Sometimes I feel like I am withering too.
I wonder if kids left in incubators in the ignorant ways (30 or more years ago) premature babies were tended... Can they get some sort of emotional damage that lasts thier whole life?
My partner and I both have abuse issues..And we try to touch we ask for it too, both of us,we try to improve and remember to touch the other,but we are both aftraid to,It's hard. We are very close emotionally,but still we "forget" to touch,I do it and he does it,sometimes one of us"remembers" and we reach out and touch each other and there is no rejection,. we just are scared of touch I think.
I too have tried fruitlessly to find info on this touch issue with google. I have no clue which searchwords to use to get at the stuff I want .
Typing in" Attachment disorder" got me some better results sometimes.It hinted and talked around the issues..But it wasen't the nity gritty I wanted.
If you find anything useful on touch issues online.. I'd be so wanting a link.