Went away, came back because I forgot to say:
I am somebody.
No, wait a minute, you said I'm nobody.
No, that's wrong. I could be anybody. I could be your next door neighbour. I could be your friend. (I'm not that other person you're thinking was here before because I have never been to this board before-sorry to disappoint you there- I'm a whole other person with a real voice and I really am leaving this place now).
No, no, no. You said I'm rosemary (you know, I was just starting to get used to that FO Rosemary name). I realize you spelled my name with a capital letter but I figger you have erred there and are thinking I don't even deserve that, so I've put it down --the way it belongs.
Naw, that's not right either, Snar? I've forgotton the "l". I've left out part of my name! Holey Moley call the name-police! Call Big Brother! Tell him to get here quick and fix this up-by ---stifling it. (Stifle Eidith- oh how I wish I could spell).
No talking!!
Quit it!!
The "l" would make my new name "Snarl". OOoo doesn't that sound more like me? A vile vexacious (sp???-I wish) snarling vixin. I know what the "l" stands for and it is part of my new name.
Let me speak too please.
Let's be reasonable.
Let's try to be considerate of eachother (and go ahead, express our anger, but in ways that will not hurt anyone else, if at all possible).
Let's look at the whole picture.
Let's not jump to conclusions without getting all of the facts.
Let's ask questions rather than assume.
Let's be fair and kind and gentle and patient.
Let's just take it easy and not panic.
Let's all see if we can learn from eachother.
Let's not make this any worse for anyone.
Let's be respectful and preserve our and eachother's dignity.
Let's not dammmmmmm anyone because it is not our place to do so.
Jeepers. I could go on and on and on but I better not. I'm tired.
I'm not entitled to speak.
I didn't ask for anyone's opinion, I was trying to put it down in some kind of order and release some of my pain but I do not have that right!
I am sooo dumb.
I should never have expected to be treated with politeness.
I am not in denial but I don't have a right to say that.
Unless I choose the path that is regular, I must except that "high road", that I am in denial.
How dare I have any kind of voice.
Now I get it.
I should have been lynched by now.
Am IIIIIIIII lucky!!!
Lucky-oh so lucky!! Reminds me of a song- "I'm pretty, oh so pretty..."
I am sorry to disappoint.
It's too late to be polite now but thanks o'Nic old buddy old pal.
I have used my voice and I can only hope with all of my heart and soul, that there are others, beside you Ltl, who appreciate my doing that and who respect my right to do so without being stomped on and beaten to a pulp emotionally or any other way, for that matter.
You can make judgements all you like. Just don't force them down anybody else's throat.
I hope you all have a fabulous day and I truly hope you will continue in your struggle to heal.
That issss all any of us are, after all, trying to do.