Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 32267 times)


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« Reply #60 on: August 02, 2004, 07:32:11 AM »
LTL, I’ve read your post a few times now. It seems to me you’re making a point about harsh words rendering people ‘voiceless’.

Did anyone say you were in denial? (I can’t remember.) My point there was not about you, it was about the original poster – who wasn’t (in my view) voiceless and left us with her voice intact. But she wasn’t listening to us - we weren’t being ‘heard’ by her (does that make our voices impotent?). We openly disagreed with her and she stuck to her position. We told here we were uncomfortable with her presence. This isn’t about an intellectual, reasoned decision. It’s about emotion. It’s also about a moral choice:

Do we jeopardise the emotional safety felt by the majority here, for the possible intellectual stimulation that may be provided by talking to someone who enables child abuse? I don’t think we should. Do you? If you look at the reactions here from other posters, they are genuinely upset by the original poster. They may have left the board if that poster stayed to discuss her position in the way she was doing. What is this board for? Voicelessness and emotional survival. I guess I opted for the survival of the abused who are not abusers, and not the enabler. I’m happy that I made that decision. The original poster has other outlets for her voice, we didn’t condemn her to some wilderness.

You say you were attacked passive-aggressively. I think you were attacked aggressively! - there was nothing passive about the way CG replied to you. She didn’t talk about you in the third person, she talked to you, I think. She attacked your post directly. You are not talking directly to her in raising this now. Why not? You are appealing to the board. But the board – all of its members – did not reply to you. I’m not sure even why I’m getting involved.... I guess I disagree with you.

You say “is there really any need to respond in that way?” I presume about CG’s reply to you.

Well when we talk with emotion, yes, there is a need to respond in that way so that others can see/hear our emotion. This is about emotional survival for people who have been abused in one way or another. Hey, people are going to get upset! CG disagreed with you, I guess, with her heart as well as her head. With emotion. This has been an exceptionally emotional thread.

LTL, your posts seem very reasoning, using a pattern of logical thought. Is there emotion behind your posts?

My question to you is – what is your motivation for speaking like this, in what is an emotionally explosive thread?

Couldn’t you have raised this question of Voicelessness and being heard separately in a new thread and thereby be seen not to be enabling the original poster? In appearing to enabler that poster (and you did, on an emotional level, even if you did not on a logical, factual level) you in effect raised the emotional stakes higher. This is how it seems to me. Can you see that?

Long time lurker – why? I mean, why long time lurking? Why are you here? Have you your own story to air? Are you looking for answers? Have you already done this and I’ve not seen it? Let’s talk about you if you want to and leave this thread alone. Please start a new thread. Why? This one genuinely bothers me, but I won’t start another one on your behalf - that would be outright bad manners on my part. Even discussing this thread inside it makes me feel ‘icky’. I hope you understand? Thanks for getting me thinking about this, but I’d rather not do it in this thread…. P


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« Reply #61 on: August 02, 2004, 08:15:45 AM »
You say “is there really any need to respond in that way?” I presume about CG’s reply to you.

No it was about your reply to me. There are several
Other posters responded passive agressively to me, in my opinion. and I am talking to you. I had to mention other people, as part of my reply.

why are you speaking for other people?

Rather than just venting emotions in an unproductive way I tried to take the time in my post to express myself in a way that would not hurt anybodys feelings, so I took the extra time. I also hoped that this would be reciprocated, I don't think it was, largely.
 I don't use having a'voice' as an excuse to say whatever I want in the way I want and this response is to you portia, but I feel that other posters do this.
I do not talk to them directly as I know what the outcome would be.

There is a book I think, called the elephant in the living room . about a big problem that everyone ignores. at this time I think this very much applies not to this thread but the whole board.

I originally posted on this thread because I thought somebody had a point about some of what she was saying, which I tried to express in my previous posts.

Couldn’t you have raised this question of Voicelessness and being heard separately in a new thread and thereby be seen not to be enabling the original poster? In appearing to enabler that poster (and you did, on an emotional level, even if you did not on a logical, factual level) you in effect raised the emotional stakes higher. This is how it seems to me. Can you see that?

Portia, that about enabling the other poster is  your opinion, not a fact. I can that that is how it seems to you. I would question the purpose of your using italics at that moment.

Well when we talk with emotion, yes, there is a need to respond in that way so that others can see/hear our emotion

but aggressively? I absolutely disagree with this point, for what I have expressed earlier.

But anyway we're just going round and round the garden with this ...


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« Reply #62 on: August 03, 2004, 04:41:35 AM »
LTL: are you bored or frustrated by our conversation now? I ask because you said:
But anyway we're just going round and round the garden with this ...
If you want me to reply to your post, I will. Please advise.

Whatever, I just listened to this half hour radio programme and was thinking about you in this thread. The programme interviews two women whose daughters were abused by the man they lived with. The two women also interact during the programme. You may be interested in it.
Tue 3 Aug,
Sexual Abuse: How would you feel if you discovered your children had been sexually abused? Olivia O'Leary meets two women whose husbands sexually abused their children.

Some info on content:

Does it destroy the relationship with the man?

Deborah: Yes, there’s no way back. Nine year old daughter had been raped and ‘buggered’ for 3 years. Man got 9 year prison sentence.

Ann: No it didn’t. Father touched daughter’s genitals two or three times. We’re now happily married and a functioning family.


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« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2004, 07:03:46 PM »
I have 3 questions for you Portia:

1.  Was there a lot of arguing where you grew up (or is there now), as it seems you are really enjoying this part the most?

2.  Who died and made you God of Who should or should not be allowed to post on this board and who gave you the special powers to belittle, insult, degrade and genuinely hurt people with your words and general attitude without constraint?

And 3.  Who chained your arms to the pc and forced you to reply to this thread, that makes you feel so icky you can't even re-read it, (maybe because reading your own nasty stuff is a bit upsetting at this point) anyhow?

If you don't like this thread, then move on.  There are many, many other things to read on this board.  No need to feel so very obligated to totally and utterly disqualify any person who will not agree to justify your (and I will add some others too) abusive way of communicating.  Don't do that anymore, ok?  There are much nicer ways to get your point across (that is if your point were requested in the first place).

This was my thread.  It was my voice trying to just say some stuff that you don't agree with but that you, nor any other, were asked to comment on.

So one more question for you:

Why don't you post elsewhere and end this ridiculous battle that has been created for no reasonable reason, other than people's natural tendancy to make assumptions (many of which are quite incorrect); by making judgements (without even trying to get the facts first); and by reacting not so nicely, when the realitiy is:  it is very possible to make emotional statements without causing harm (a skill you may want to consider developing)?


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« Reply #64 on: August 11, 2004, 01:59:24 AM »


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« Reply #65 on: August 11, 2004, 06:09:58 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
I want to make it clear that it is not in my nature to want to run anyone off the board. Including "Somebody".  I would rather act in kindness and invite others to stay and learn. I know from my own years, that growth and understanding takes time and experience. The most I hope to contribue to others is an idea- that once planted may take years to percolate through before it is fully understood or acted on. I have patience. I have to. I look back over my shoulder and shudder at who I once was.

However, if someone is abusive to another for their own jollies, the lamest reason of all being to assert their long lost voice, I will speak up.

While here, kudos to you LONGTIMELURKER & SNARL , and anyone else I may have missed, for speaking what I was unable, in defence of "Somebody".

It's not an elephant in the room- it's a Mastadon. Phoenix

Phoenix, in case it's not clear, can I just say that Snarl above who says: "This was my thread" is the Somebody who posted. I got the impression you may not have realised that. P


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« Reply #66 on: August 11, 2004, 07:15:38 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
I want to make it clear that it is not in my nature to want to run anyone off the board. Including "Somebody".  I would rather act in kindness and invite others to stay and learn. I know from my own years, that growth and understanding takes time and experience. The most I hope to contribue to others is an idea- that once planted may take years to percolate through before it is fully understood or acted on. I have patience. I have to. I look back over my shoulder and shudder at who I once was.

However, if someone is abusive to another for their own jollies, the lamest reason of all being to assert their long lost voice, I will speak up.

While here, kudos to you LONGTIMELURKER & SNARL , and anyone else I may have missed, for speaking what I was unable, in defence of "Somebody".

It's not an elephant in the room- it's a Mastadon. Phoenix

Jeez Pheonix Hun, it's bin so hard ta not notice that all this shit has started since you've returned.


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« Reply #67 on: August 11, 2004, 10:12:36 AM »


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« Reply #68 on: August 12, 2004, 09:11:22 AM »
Phoenix, I am sorry that you are being accused of doing something that you didn't do.  Believe me, I know what that feels like.

Ltl- People profess that others are in denial while denying.  What can I say?

The fact that P (according to her ramble thread) was screaming "submit" at her pc, with such gusto and serious desire, indicates clearly her aim to control the topic of this thread, just as my sister's desire was to control the future of my family.

So too, as P stated she "does not want to empathize" while demanding that I go away and come back when I (in her humble opinion, mind you) am able to "empathize", shows plainly the contradictory, confusing, chaotic, demanding, impossible to please etc behaviour that any n might display.

The judgemental accusations, the abusive language, the name calling, none of that is verbal abuse?  Who denies this?

Sorry, no disrespect meant P, just my observation.  It is one thing to wish to have control over one's own situation, one's own life, one's own thread on a message board, and quite another to try to take control- of somebody else's.  I don't mean to hurt your feelings by saying this.

And I am sorry for speaking about a subject that you disagree with but unfortunately, as much as you wish to deny it, it is my right to do so.  You do not have to read this thread.  There is no one holding you down and forcing you to do so.  It is your choice.

It was not me who transferred the focus, the subject of my thread, to my decision (which by the way, was my right to make) to remain married to my husband.  I began to speak about my pain and my losses and I was trying to say, which I may not have done to your liking, or clearly enough at all,  that the greatest pain I am  suffering still, after all of this time, is the hurt and the anger, the shock and confusion, the many and profuse feelings that have been generated due to the loss of the relationship I thought I had with my sister.  I love my sister but I cannot help her.  I have never been able to help her.  I wish I could help her.  And even as you disagree with my wanting to discuss this subject, you deny that it is my right to do so.

Patsy:  I am so sorry that it has taken this long for me to reply to your post.  I hear your kindness and loving heart being voiced.  I do greatly appreciate your effort.  I will not begin to answer your questions here.  I will say only that some of the things you have stated are also, assumptions that are incorrect.  I am very sure that most people make assumptions (I do it myself and judgements too) but the great denial I hear here, in this thread, is that these assumptions people are making are now fact.  Assumptions are not fact.  You have asked some questions which I will answer, Patsy, but I can't see your post right now because I am responding to Phoenix's post, so that will have to be done later.  I don't know how to look at your post, while responding to Phoenix's and I can't remember your questions.

I am not at all familiar with how to view stuff, add quotes, and I couldn't make the colour blue and large, P, even if I wanted to because I don't know how.  I have never been to this board before.  I am not someone else, I am Somebody (not Phoenix).  (And I am sorry for the confusion I caused you Phoenix by using the name Snarl, which you will see how it came to be mine, if you look back to a previous post of mine- but you have shown me that I must not use that name, because it is too confusing for those who may not have time to read this whole thread, or who may miss that particular information.  I am Somebody and I will use that name from now on).  

I am not one of your old enemies, P.  I am not known to you P, and that paranoia, I suspect, is also part of n-ness.   Is it?  Boy, could I tell you stories about that paranoia in my family!

Ltl, you are so very clearly stating that it is so much better to think before opening your mouth, and so very good at doing that.  I agree to disagree, civilly (I wish I could spell), with you, if necessary, at times, and I do greatly appreciate the respectful way you try to get your point across.  It is truly admirable behaviour.

I was out of town from July 27th until Aug 8th and I did my share of thinking about what's gone on here.  The power struggle is now over.  I have decided that I will not allow this bullying that has occurred here, to continue to be the name of this game, so to speak.  I have so far, not been banned, which indicates to me that I am correct to assume that I do have a right to speak.  I am doing my very best to be thoughtful before doing so (which is also a quality, P, part of the skill of speaking without causing harm to others.  It is not something to be criticized).  Calmness, does not indicate a lack of emotion, P.  I'm speaking to you because it seems you may have somehow acquired that idea.  Gentle words do not indicate a lack of emotion either, P.  Nor do kind, respectful, or otherwise compassionate words.  These words indicate very clearly, a person's desire to speak their thoughts and emotions, without causing harm.  Please do not be insulted.  Swearing is verbal abuse.  You cannot redefine verbal abuse to suit your needs.  If swearing were not deemed so, then we would all be happily raising our kids by constantly swearing at them, and our teachers would have gone to great ends to teach us the most descriptive ways of using and the correct way of spelling -our swear words.  (Can you picture that?  What fun that would be eh?).

I am not trying to harm you P.  I have no ill will against you and I am speaking directly to you because you are indeed the first person on this thread to begin swearing at me, which is verbal abuse, which you cannot define otherwise, or find any justification for doing.  It is wrong to swear at a person simply because you disagree with a decision they have made in their life and it is wrong to do so with the complete and utter disregard for that person's emotional state, or without concerning yourself with the effect your words may have.  I am very sorry P, but I must inform of this fact because it seems to me, that you deny it, maybe, because you are not aware of it.

You are a good person P.  That is my best bet.  You have been through some very, very tough times and I am positive that I do not know very much about your experience at all.  I do not mean to cause you grief but I do mean, very clearly and very simply, to point out to you that you have no right to lash out at me.  You have a right to disagree but an obligation, as a good person, to disagree in a respectful manner.

You are not in charge of deciding who may speak about what, as far as I can see.  I have not come here, to this place, to start any kind of war, to generate some big explosive emotional thread.  It was you, P, who exploded in anger and emotionally swore at me.   I am very sorry that you did that, but I do forgive you.  I have done the same thing myself, sometimes, I do admit.

You may decide not to respond to me and just keep posting on this thread or you may decide to do any number of other things.  Those are your choices.  I do suggest, that you put great thought into your next decision and that whatever it may be, you present it, in a respectful, non-verbally-abusive manner.  I suggest that you stop trying to justify swearing at people (along with all the many other examples of verbal abuse on this thread-best to stop trying to justify it as "emotional" expression).  I suggest that you do your very best to express yourself in a way that will generate respect for you, in others, rather than encourage them to behave disrespectfully.  You are a great example to others, P.  Don't blow it by staying stuck in swear-mode, in disrespect-mode, in belittle, degrade, n-mode.  You're only fooling yourself.


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« Reply #69 on: August 12, 2004, 09:47:55 AM »
Woopsie.  I meant to say that swearing is not an appropriate emotional expression.  I do agree with you there, P.  Swearing is definately emotional expression.  It's just not appropriate.


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« Reply #70 on: August 13, 2004, 03:27:57 AM »
Just nipping in to say thank you to somebody and to phoenix. It makes me feel that the effort I put into my posts were not wasted.

and to Portia, you asked if I would like a response to my previous thread - my answer is that I would not. I'm not falling into the trap of explaining myself. (or is that an explanation itself, round and round the garden we go :)

I don't have anything to add, just that maybe there's still enough room in our virtual living room to walk around the elephant ! :)


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« Reply #71 on: August 13, 2004, 04:05:54 AM »


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« Reply #72 on: August 13, 2004, 05:04:32 AM »
Quote from: Nic
Hi Somebody,
Your posting here must not be viewed by you as a waste of time,yours or anybody elses'.   No amount of kindness or good will toward you can divert from or better yet avoid the "real" issue at hand here.  You posted and asked for feedback..a feedback you were probably not expecting..that happens sometimes and we have all at one time or another taken a swim in the river of denial.  In all twelve step programs, denial is the first step.  You cannot go further down the twelve step road without facing the demon denial.
Since my time here on the board, I have learned much and still have much to explore.  There are some very savvy members who take alot of time to think before they answer, people who've possibly been down harder and more challenging roads than yourself.  I have learned to respect them and their contributions because they are solidly based on knowledge and personal experience which they have never minimized.

It always hurts the ego to recognize that we are wrong about something.
Respectfully, I believe you should shift your focus from your presumed N sister and what she is doing to you to the real issue.  You handled the situation poorly, perhaps because it is/was too difficult for you to grasp/accept/face the magnitude and implication of your behaviour and your role within this scenario.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink..that applies to the posters who spared you no grief, ( remember you asked for feedback) and conversely to you because you led them one way and they picked up on being led.
Try very hard to move beyond your ego bruise.  I know it's difficult, real shame hurts but you have to move beyond it.
Cruel to be kind..often effective in extreme cases, I believe this is one of them.
One of the hardest things for me to get beyond was accepting other peoples' anger, accepting other people as they were  AND their criticism of me.  I find myself wanting to say, you must move away from the pride of your shame! Heavy huh?! Think about that..when it was told to me I almost threw up I was so insulted...with time i'm trying to grasp that little sentence 'til I get it right.
Other peoples' revulsion at your situation can be used as an indicator that something is absolutely not right in what you are saying.  Use it as a springboard and propel yourself toward the truth.
Perhaps one day this "shakeup" you've your request..'cmon now!..will have been your major turning point.
Should you come, should you go...dun matter ta me none..'cos I don't believe anything happens for nothing.
Make the best of it and good luck,

This was well thought out and expressed


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« Reply #73 on: August 13, 2004, 07:37:47 AM »
Hi Somebody, I read your very long post with interest. I can see you've spent a lot of time into trying to present a 'scenario change' to change the focus of the thread away from you and your H, which I agree needs changing. You seem to want it to focus on correcting Portia. I think that's your choice and voice. But I also have choice and voice. And I just wanted to comment on a couple of your comments, if that's okay.

Somebody said
Please do not be insulted.

But surely that's the person's choice. Can you allow them choice and free will please?  :D

Then Somebody said
Swearing is verbal abuse.  

And the same goes for sexual abuse of children, or don't you think so? It is sexual abuse. But that doesn't seem to concern you as much as being sworn at. Let's not mince words. Your H is a predator of your children, while he was sleeping with you. And you've sided with him. Your sister realises this.

Then Somebody said
You cannot redefine verbal abuse to suit your needs.

Then by the same standard, you cannnot redifine sexual abuse of children to suit your needs.

Then Somebody said
If swearing were not deemed so, then we would all be happily raising our kids by constantly swearing at them, and our teachers would have gone to great ends to teach us the most descriptive ways of using and the correct way of spelling -our swear words.  (Can you picture that?  What fun that would be eh?).

Likewise, if sexual abuse of children were not deemed inappropriate, then we'd all happily raise our children to be constantly sexually abused, and our teachers would go to great ends to teach children how to have appropriate sex with their step-fathers, and how to make sure that when they do, that their little vaginas don't tear all the way up to their rectums, so as to need stitches. Or as in little boys, that their anuses don't split so wide open, needing major surgery. Teachers would tell them how to do it so as not to cause injury. Can you picture that?What fun would that be eh?

The type of injury, just physical injury alone that no doubt your H would have happily inflicted if your child had agreed? Or did he just want a head job? In which case that's okay then, and I have no problem that. NOT!  :evil:

Obviously swearing is the real issue here folks.


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« Reply #74 on: August 13, 2004, 07:51:25 AM »
Thank you Guest for pointing out that this emperor has no clothes on. What you said is tough but true. Thank you, I appreciated the content of your post. I hadn't even seen all that. Too crazy-made.

When the truth is spoken, sod the way it's said. It just needs to be said, screamed, shouted, sworn out. The truth is more important than the way it is presented. Content over image every time. P