Well, all I can say is those who "say" they love you need to be outraged when they learn of the abuse you have suffered in silence lo these many years. And fingers need to point at her and say ,, "shame, shame, shame" -- you had a nice little girl, a good little girl, who never caused you problems, who tried in every way to please you and you hated her for reasons known only to your sick mind. Mostly I am angry at myself for not "catching on" to the N state of my mother, and then it seems my father caught her sickness before he died, I wasted sooooooooo much time, tears, years and years and years. Now that the truth is out, no one is outraged, they don't want to hear about it, they say they think it's awful, but they are not outraged, provide no support, no ear to listen to the little girl who suffered in silence for so long. I point that finger at you mother and say shame, shame, shame ,,, you nasty, mean old bag. You are old now, but you have always been the same, nasty, nasty and mean, a liar, a bully and only interested in yourself. If you are not the star of the show, you are gone -- oh well, can't get back the years and can't get any ears, and can't forget it. Forgiveness is out of the question. I just want others to acknowledge what happened to me -- don't feel sorry for me, just acknowledge what she/they did to me. I'm not asking anyone to fix it, just don't keep discounting me. I never discounted you, but now I kind of wish I had -- kept that expended energy for myself.