Cry and keep crying. Cry until it hurts. Cry until you're dry. It's the body releasing the repressed emotion and that's what our pain is all about.
At the end of my first marriage and during 2 other girlfriend breakups, I cried and cried. It does get better.
At this time I'm being divorced by my N. I'm lucky. Years of reading, listening, conversing, and understanding has helped me understand the problem quickly. I have felt bad, devistated, alone. But I knew the possibility existed that my marriage would end, I knew this early on in the relationship. I told her very early "This marriage will end because you can't or won't talk to me". And it became the fulcrum.
So, I cried an entire 10 seconds. The only other times were when I was with my daughter, embarrassed for putting her thru this. She been in therapy for about 9 years (recent times are once a month check ins, dealing with her mother issues and the start of high school. That's why she will not get intangled with messed up people. I'm proud of her).
I'm checking in with my therapist this week, to confirm all the info I have found. But I do expect some tears to shed.