Author Topic: My partner is a Wrecking Machine  (Read 4686 times)

Need Solutions

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My partner is a Wrecking Machine
« on: September 07, 2003, 11:46:45 AM »
I'm crying because it's Sunday, again it's a repeat of last Sunday.  I write my feelings on the PC, save it for the day, and delete it by evening's end; so as to forgive myself for feeling bad, to be right in my feelings, but also so he doesn't read it, and know he's hurt me AGAIN.

I'm hiding in a relationship that is hurtful.  To the external world we are a pair - quite the dynamic duo; but internally, it's a conflict-resolution-conflict pattern that's wearing thin.  Exasperating because when it was new 2 years ago -- the behaviors -- the episodes -- the malevolent thoughts -- went unchallenged by me; forgiven because of his looks I thought wow, to be so beautiful and truthful, so opinionated and so conflicted was interesting because I'm the opposite to his AngryMan Syndrome, I don't voice hurtful things, I don't say what I think, feel or believe to shock, jolt or make people retract.  I know I have WallFlower through life stealthily being everyone's friend at the cost of my self esteem; I'd probably get more value for my self esteem on EBAY if I was mercernary enough to conclude "My SelfEsteem Issues are For Sale"

Anywhooo -- in the end IF (because it's rare) I start a conversation using declaratives, I'm usually wrong without finishing the statement, he's already made a play to ungracefully NIX the thought or idea.  Today, I called him on his name calling, blaming, accusations, or disgusting thoughts; usually if I'm feeling tired, I'll ignore it and go on my merry way -- thinking "is it me or is this guy just sick, he needs help and I'm not doing any better at the end of his tirade?"  I'll castigate myself with a nice long OCD session, playing "Mommy Dearest's -- No Wire Hangers."  Ajax and countless an entire supermarket isle of cleaning products in tow to cleanse and forgive myself for even thinking I'm abused -- I should be so lucky to have someone even glance or communicate with me; let alone eat my food, sleep in my bed, want to hold my hand, or share me with his family, friends and work colleagues.

Therefore, feeling slighted, accused, standing on trial truly "not guilty" and just wondering what to do.

Do I leave this guy? ask him to leave? or do I take "the good, the bad and the aweful."  When he's good, he's soo good, but when he's terrible, he has a dangerously aweful, senseless, wicked tongue with such a destructive passion -- that would pale in comparison to monsoons, typhoid fevers, and car accidents.

Yikes need help; why what can I do... what to do?...**** Yikes ***



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My partner is a Wrecking Machine
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2003, 02:50:45 PM »
If I didn't have kids and if I knew then what I know now I would have RAN not walked away.  Now after all these years  and four kids it is very much more difficult to leave.   The really sad thing is my kids and what living with an N Dad has done to them and they love their Dad but also are aware that things have been bad and their self esteem is damaged.  I am glad that even after all these long years of weirdness, and meaness I have an understanding of what is going on and that it is not me!!!!  I thought it was and I took the blame.  I am waking up  hope you figure out what is best for your life.


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Need solutions
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2003, 04:06:34 PM »
Dear "Need solutions"


Best of luck
Nic :!:

P.S.: come back and talk about how you will go about this.  Your decision of course, sounds pretty destructive to me...can you really go on like this?
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Need Solutions

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Asking a Wrecking Machine to Leave
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2003, 03:06:04 AM »
Thanks Mary & Nic for responding, I been reading through the site.  Realizing how it's my fault too as to why his behavior needs redirection.  As my choice to go on living like this is unproductive, however spinning wheels & walking in quicksand is yesterday's conversation.  He's a sickie, but I am no better by sticking around waiting to be emotional jolted; he's not changing to a better person, he's getting worse, waiting for him to get better on his own is like waiting on the improbable.  I'm taking myself out of the tainted picture by taking care of myself again; last energies spent on crying, wondering, questioning, paralyzed by why's and I am TAKING ACTION.  Too much energy wasted on WHEN & WHY... it's nearing 2003 4th Quarter; 4 months left in the year -- nope, not gonna do it anymore.

FYI, my pain signals have gone out to the universe, bounced back and sent my friend to let it all out -- I was writing to this message board this morning because his last slam was severe, difficult and disturbingly harsh.  ASK you will RECEIVE for help, and she called.  Well I verbally spew out the bile that's robbed me of 2 years and with verbalizing my situation, hearing my own pain outloud, (it's not the same as passively writing it down in a diary) and hearing her response, seeing her face squish in disbelief that I put up with all this nonesense, I managed to reorganize thoughts of the future, I'm retracing the steps and going back to the old productive self, ending the frumpy prissy martyr outfit choices I have made to satisfy HIS idea of what a "natural woman" looks like, my girlfriend found "fitted" cloathing in the sales racks and said I have to stop hiding in oversized things.  It's all relative how we present ourselves to the EXTERNAL world and what we see in the mirror.  SO, THEREFORE, it's a return to my regimen of health, wealth and happiness one day at a time.

How to be productive again?  Making the correct choices.  Where failure has reared it's ugliness, it's time to shake it off and out.  Get back on the Iron Horse and ride those fat tires out to the mountains again.

Well, starting with the Fridge:  veggies & water will re-enter this domicle -- no more soda and crunchie, chippy, greasy foods; yes my eating habits changed on his watch; soul robbing, vitamin depleting food choices -- Foolish!  

Next, it will be the return to spandex, tee-shirt, scrunchy ponytail, sneaker GEAR to walk, run and gain back that 12-minute mile girl I was; dedicating one hour to "BEING" not just EXISTING.  As I will not be the punching bag for 1 hour x 3 days a week, SOMEONE will have to find other sources of amusement -- I'll be busy sweating.

Finally, it will culminate in focusing on my career and mental health; and while there's only so much time per day, a reorganization of my time dedicated to me is in order.  Weeeeeee!   :wink: To the future!  Cheers Everyone!  

In summary, it is simple:  Rethinking things, verbalizing the pain is quite important to see what others see, redirecting the energies, focusing, and clean out that fridge & closet.  Make better choices.  Be yourself & Love yourself.  :!:  And if he wants to join me, he's welcome unconditionally because my focused strength will outweigh his fragmented thoughts, we can even squeeze in some couples therapy, if not, c'est la vie, ciao to him, don't let the door slam to hard behind you, and here's a postal service change of address form, it's been mighty enlightening -- see you on the other side.  This is a pink slip globalization, results wanted, production and goals needed, everything & everybody else gets on the ship or off the ship; and other's can rescue those that can possibly "make the ship" with a few tweaks, words, counseling.  



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My partner is a Wrecking Machine
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2003, 12:10:11 PM »
Best of Luck.  It takes such thrust of energy to get on with make the changes.  It looks  like you are on your way.  Best wishes to you as you take back your life. :D


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My partner is a Wrecking Machine
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2003, 12:11:30 PM »
Sorry, I forgot to log in!  The above post was from me...Mary!


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My partner is a Wrecking Machine
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2003, 12:52:40 PM »
Dear Need Solutions,

good, good good girl!  your post is inspiring, sometimes it only takes a temporary moment of feverish, fierce REMEMBERING who you are to get you back on track.  Brace yourself for resistance, and good luck!!!  Please follow up with your progress.
CC - 'If it sucks longer than an hour, get rid of it!'


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Re: Asking a Wrecking Machine to Leave
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2003, 05:43:37 PM »
FYI, my pain signals have gone out to the universe, bounced back and   SO, THEREFORE, it's a return to my regimen of health, wealth and happiness one day at a time.

WHOA!  Did anyone else feel a whirlwind go through here?  That was some burst of inspiration for me!  I applaud you for moving forward!!!!!  Once you get those positive vibes in motion, you're gonna be great ---- thanks for sending it our way and sharing.

OH HOORAY FOR ME -- I did a quote box!!!!  :)  
As you think, so shall you be


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My partner is a Wrecking Machine
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2003, 05:20:38 AM »
Way to go Need Solutions!

If we can think ourselves INTO trouble then we can think ourselves OUT of it too! Be happy, be strong, be yourself! :!: