Hi Ellie,
Wow. How are you even able to breathe with someone like this around?

I often wonder if people like your mom and my NSIL need people simply to send back sound signals to let them know they are alive. I think that is why they don't let up--it freaks them out when they send out their static and nothing bounces back from the void left by the loved ones they chased away.
The amnesia thing drives me crazy also. I bumped into my NSIL at a store by accident and was polite to her. Of course to her this means my door is open again and was all smiles at an event our families attended at the same time (another accident). Since I had my family along this time, I avoided her. I asked myself why? She's being so friendly, etc etc. And, not to bear a grudge but to protect my kids, I reminded myself of all the really nasty stuff she poured on our heads, of her inability to concern herself with anyone's safety, of her vicious temper. To look at her in public you just wouldn't be able to believe she was the same person

. Guess that's pretty typical of people's experience here on the board. It makes me look like the aloof rejecting type to outsiders. Oh well. She torched her bridge with me big time.
My father also likes to try and "unring the bell". He will rage and then we are all supposed to be OK with it because he didn't intend to hurt our feelings! Therefore, we are not supposed to feel. We're supposed to stay and take it because he needs to rage, get things off his chest. Then everything's dandy.
I can also related to your comment about the genepool, Ellie! I ask my therapist about this all the time. She chalks it up to brain chemistry but also temperament. I wonder what a completely N family would look like with no voiceless people in the mix. Yow.
Sorry, this has all been up at the surface the last couple of weeks. So had to share on what I hope is a relevant thread. Yes, we threw out all letters from NSIL during the "war". My H wouldn't let me read them and they went right into the trash. Actually felt quite empowering.
Take care all, Seeker