Author Topic: Hello  (Read 3551 times)


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« on: May 29, 2008, 06:28:12 PM »
I have been gone from the Board for a few months and do not know how to retrieve my former profile (Changing) and password etc, so I have elected to take a new name, Changes (not very imaginative, is it?) I went through a period of extreme privation (self-imposed) trying to pay all the bills that were left to me with the pittance that I have, and not looking out for myself first. I eliminated everthing ( ie the internet). I think that I was repeating ancient childhood survival patterns of deprivation, etc. - who knows, the only thing that I can say for certain is that it was ridiculous and self-defeating.

I have missed the wisdom and support and fun!!!!

God Bless You All,



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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 07:06:01 PM »
Welcome back!  I used to be Pennyplant--now posting as Juno.


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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2008, 07:23:30 PM »
Hi Juno (Pennyplant)-

You have transformed yourself into a goddess- well done!!!! Perhaps your methods will rub off on me as well and hopefully I will transform into a classy goddess like Juno, instead of one of the more ridiculous mythological creatures (the Medusa or Minotaur,etc) Thank you for welcoming me back- hope all is well with you.




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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2008, 11:55:09 PM »
Hi Changes,

I'm glad you are back.  I missed you.  I miss everyone who is not here anymore.  I know they lurke though!  So a big hello to all.
Well I'm sure we will have some more laughs on here when your neighbor is walking by and hears you roaring screaming laughing at night.  And we will also share the pain and heal together. 

Looking forward to your reads and welcome back again



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Re: Hello
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2008, 12:00:20 AM »

I'm so glad you're back.

I've missed your steady voice in this storm.


And your humor.



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Re: Hello
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2008, 02:12:16 AM »
Hi Debkor and Lighter-

Thank you for your welcome back! It's funny, but I felt tentative when I posted today, almost like my first post last year- it seemed like no one was out there, and the void was daunting. It's great to hear from my friends!!!! I want to catch up on what is happening with you all, so I will be reading message pages 1-1000 !

Love to My Dears,



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Re: Hello
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2008, 09:03:56 AM »
When you get the chance.... and you think it's OK.....

please post an update on yourself.

The kitty, doggy..... school and legal struggles.

I woke up feeling better this morning bc you're back.



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Re: Hello
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2008, 09:13:49 AM »
Yes please changes! Give us a picture of your progress during your abscence!

Missed you...(used to be "shunned")
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Hello
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2008, 02:28:44 PM »
Dear Phoenix (the new name is inspiring!) and Lighter-

Thank you for your replies and for asking about me. I finished 1L- have to wait 5 weeks to see the results. I finally got accommodations for my disabilities, and it helped a great deal.
As far as my case goes, my attorney seemed to have "lost it" somewhere along the way- He is quite intelligent , but at a certain point he was unreachable, phone and fax numbers were disconnected, he eventually apologized to the clients but I ended up having to go to the courthouse and get copies of my files repeatedly ( horrible timing for my papers and exam studies) and send copies to the lawyer, trying to reach him and prevent a disaster, etc. Bottom line-It looks like we defaulted!!! I have a friend at the law school who was living in a one room apartment with 3 children, including a small baby, when her doctor husband slammed her unfairly in court and took it all. She reopened her case with a new attorney, and now she has a lovely home in a great area, etc.

I have retained her lawyer and have another bogus OSC coming up ( in my DV group, so many of the ladies are bludgeoned incessantly by ridiculous legal maneuvers, the abusers hauling them into court , disrupting and destabilizing their work and lives, often bankrupting them financially and emotionally. It helps so much to have them to talk to, as people who haven't been in this sick cycle become bored with the subject easily, or simply see you as hysterical or stupid "why haven't you just handled it", so I tend to avoid the subject and keep my predicament to myself.) Luckily, my new attorney is giving me a break on costs, by having me write things up, gather the documents, serve subpoenas, etc. -

I have internet again, long distance telephone, etc (still no TV)- cutting too close to the bone was imprudent and pathological- I couldn't handle my business efficiently. I have had to make arrangements for repayment on two of my bills- I kept thinking that I would get my money that the Bagworm stole from me, and that I would be divorced, etc, so I did without more and more-not too smart!!!! I am feeling much better and more effective now- What a numbskull I can be!!!!

All of the pets are just lovely- the kitty that was hurt at the beginning of the year looks wonderful, and scampers about ( but sometimes slips when he turns corners, etc). The vet that I took him to had changed hands from old-timers to a corporation- I was desperately broke, and though they have gotten many thousands in the past from me, they hassled me to hold 2 checks for payment. I brought cash to pay for the first check as was arranged, then came with cash to pick up the second check at the appointed time as well- they insisted that the check wasn't there, and that their computer showed that the check had been submitted to the bank and cleared (not our agreement)- I waited and waited as they checked and rechecked this. I deposited the funds back into the bank, and didn't follow up as I should have, as I was also desperately trying to save my divorce case from being spoiled, going to the courthouse, going to law school, and living on nothing...I later got a nasty letter about MY NOT PERFORMING MY END OF THE BARGAIN!!! Of course , I had to handle this at the worst time possible, etc. Anyway, they were completely wrong about the kitty- no $20,000 neuro work was needed, his hindquarters are not paralyzed, he has complete continence, etc.

The Baby dog is a grown-up now, but still a Baby. I feel so secure with him, and he is truly good natured. I have Izzyfied my house even more, and I love it- almost everything is white and it feels so good and spare and under control and comfortable- so easy to wash everything white and make it shine. Bagworm still hasn't taken his things!!!! Still no list, etc- this pattern of abusers leaving "stuff" behind at the house they have left and using it as a control mechanism is almost universal among the ladies at the DV group!!!! Amazing!!!! It evokes laughter in everyone there when someone mentions this issue!!!!

Thank you for caring and for being you- it has really helped.

Love From Your Friend,


« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 01:33:03 AM by Changes »


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Re: Hello
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2008, 02:55:51 PM »
I even missed the word "Bagworm".
SO SO SO glad you're here again, Changing for the Better.

I'm terribly sorry you've been through such horrible stress.

At the same time I believe utterly, absolutely, that you will become Lawyer of the Year somewhere and be Bagworm-free.

How is your foot?

I wish you could call 1-800-GOT JUNK? and have his stuff hauled away.
I think stuff can be a form of holding someone hostage.
They force you to keep some of your mental attention on them, via stuff.


Celebrating your return. Just surviving 1-L was an extraordinary accomplishment under your circumstances, Change. I am truly awed.

with love,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Hello
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2008, 03:15:55 PM »
Hoppy You Dear-

Thank you for your reply. I don't know if I will be a fancy lawyer, but what I want to do is to set up basic packets of forms and information easily accessible to women who are seeking to salvage what they can from abusers, users and such. So much of the work that needs to be done can be begun, and greatly aided, by the women themselves, saving needless expense, wrong turns and heartache. I think that a packet of information could be set up at every Domestic Violence shelter, complete with forms (instead of having to get them at the courthouse, etc.)

Maybe a notebook with pockets labeled according to what would be needed, and a step by step guide...I would feel so accomplished if this basic sort of thing could be distributed, with phone numbers, laws, etc, printed in it. As for now, I have to slog through day to day and try to enjoy every minute I can, no matter what is going on   ( not easy but worth learning I think)

Love You Hoppy, Thank You For Supporting My Dreams and Ambitions,

« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 01:20:59 AM by Changes »


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Re: Hello
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2008, 04:17:32 PM »
What an EXCELLENT idea Changes! the notebook and a guide to steps to protect themselves legally/financially...

how clever of you to think of this! And how generous and giving! I see a bright future ahead for you.
Nice to know that you made it through the worst of the Bagworm Saga with all of your self intact and are beginning to THRIVE. (Just hope you can "sign on the dotted line" soon, about officially ditching Bagworm...)

I hear vibrant, joyful notes in your words that put a big smile on my heart....
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Hello
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2008, 05:01:33 PM »
Hi Phoenix!

I had an almost leaden feeling when I had to go another lawyer, explain the whole case, drag out my copious documents, etc., and yet the really sorrowful and frightened feelings have dissipated a great deal from the time I first posted here, and I can't go back...I do feel so much better,  I adore my lovely white comforter and white walls and bare rooms, and the QUIET, only madly chirping birds and pets, and the hum of the refrigerator. I love eating what I like and my cozy life ( not fancy in any way but it suits me) Thank you for caring- it truly fortifies me in my current quest.

I had a day or so of freedom before I started this new madness of changing attorneys and assisting in getting my case together again- I liked the feeling of being normal, not harried, etc for those couple of days- but this was a great opportunity to save money by doing it myself, though the OSC is next week... seems awfully soon to cross swords with Bagworn using a new lawyer, but I have to give it my best shot!

I love what you wrote- that I have made it through the worst! I never stopped to realize that! Thank you Phoenix- please let me know how you are doing!



« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 01:22:42 AM by Changes »


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Re: Hello
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2008, 06:15:54 PM »
OH NO!  I had no idea your very heroic understanding attorney went off the charts.

Did you ever figure out where he got to.....

and why?

Something personal in his own life, no doubt.

I just can 't believe your luck.

So much hardship on top of hardship.....

The Bagworm business isn't over.... until it's over.

It may take another year or two.

Don't let your gaurd down and don't stop being alert and aware for your safety.

It's not about taking everything from you.....

it's about winning and making sure you can't recover and have a good life without him.

I know you'll become a wonderful attorney and make a difference.....

if you're not sabotaged or stopped by BW.

Don't assume he's not thinking about you..... it's not over yet.

Out of the State would be better.... but I already told you that.

HOW FRUSTRATING to lose your attorney.... were you able to salvage your case?  It sounds like you did.


It's hard to remain so focused and on gaurd for extended periods of time.

I'm glad your enjoying clean white clutter free space in your home.... feeling safe with your puppy.

Counting small blessings is important.



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Re: Hello
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2008, 07:09:45 PM »
Hi Missy Lighter-

I still don't know what happened with my once ubercompetent lawyer- I think as you do that it must have been a personal meltdown on his part - he went from creating beautiful documents with excellent citations, etc, to sloppy emails with "duped" docs (taken from a previous client)  attached where the names weren't all changed, he had mixed up Plaintiff and Respondent parties, etc, AND he answered some items but not the divorce, thus a DEFAULT!!!!!! He would email that he was sick with Crohn's disease, etc and the same relative seemed to die many times as the main character in his excuses. I don't know, but at least I held it together until my exams were finished.

Yes, it seems that I have a great lawyer now, and it is a good break to be able to tend to my case myself and save money in the process- I feel like Moses' mother- but it is so wacky, and the time pressure is enormous- I wanted to leave town before, and may just relocate if I can get it together- I have never been anywhere so it would be fun (but daunting as well).

A lady was shot recently by her ex at a church that I used to attend, and I have had several weird incidents lately, very suspicious, so I am on guard about my safety. It helps to have the Board to "bounce things off on", and your smart advice is always appreciated Miss Lighter.

Hope you are feeling better and enjoying our beautiful world.

Love You,
