Lupita, what you said is very profound, "The less comfortable a person feels with his her self, the less tolerance has fro frustration. Goldyluk syndrom. Too hot, too cold, too soft, so hard. But in reality it is us who feel bad and have low tolerance fro frustration and become picky pikcy pikcy. I am the first one to be called on that.
What happened, that we get easily offended and think that others are saying something about us, when it coud be or not, and are afraid to express exactly what we want and get mad when the amswer that we are expecting is not what we get, not mad but frustrated."
I think you are onto something here. I see in my partner, a VERY low tolerance for frustration. A very low tolerance for any kind of response not "acceptable" to him. I think it is partially a control thing. And he wants the ability to persuade them to his own "right thinking". Very black/white.
I also see alot of sensitivity in others - your comment about being easily offended. I don't know why that is right now (not necessarily on the board - but in 3d life I'm seeing it.) Myself - as well.
I was at my book club the other night and one of my very best friends in the world just found out she's pregnant (8 wks) and her husband and my partner are friends as well and he blurted it out to my partner, who told me privately. I waited and waited for her to tell me personally. BUT at book club, in front of the whole room, she said "there's a good reason for me to stay sober tonight...." and everyone understood she was saying she's pregnant.
I was devastated that she told the whole book club without taking me aside first. I suppose that's n-istic, huh? But, I was feeling very minimized or whatever you want to say - not a very important friend. This book club is one I have been in for 7 years, and only invited her recently to join, so it's all my friends basically. So....anyway.....way too sensitive I know. I couldn't help but feel hurt.
How do you think you would feel? Would you have said something about your feelings?
I didn't.
I don't know - maybe there's more stress in the world - in the US, the economy is hurting, the presidential election is coming up and things are still in flux, the environment is questionable and the mideast is still in turmoil. I guess it's enough for anyone to have stress running continually in the background of life. If anything goes wrong, it seems so much more important.