Author Topic: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption  (Read 4181 times)


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Re: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2008, 02:51:58 PM »

Yes - #6 was CB's; must've still been foggy in the head this morning!
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Re: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2008, 06:12:31 PM »

Hi Iz,


I've enjoyed your writing here a lot.  Everyone has a different style of expression on the board and that is part of the enjoyment of reading on the main board.  You get to know the person better.   I like the personal stories, but not to the exclusion of great articles written by professionals.    I think I'm getting a better perspective of my own participation by talking about it on this thread.

Question Iz - When you hang a thread, do you measure its effectiveness by the number of 'hits' it gets or by the number of replies?  Or what?



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Re: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2008, 06:27:16 PM »
I think there are many topics that are good thought-provokers or even discussion starters. That's always the hope when I post something from an article.

We do have to be mindful of copyright laws and provide links to the original source. Most authors probably won't mind IF their link is posted as well.

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Re: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2008, 06:51:08 PM »

Question Iz - When you hang a thread, do you measure its effectiveness by the number of 'hits' it gets or by the number of replies?  Or what?

I don't start many threads, tt, and if I do I don't expect much interest as the Post #s will show, but the Views #s are usually larger, as with many others , but then some people post 3- 4 threads a day or more, and a few posts to all 5 threads might make them happy, whereas one thread with 5 posts would not make them happy.

Someone could click on the thread without reading, just to 'up' the numbers of disinterested Viewers.

The supposèd truth can be faked so I really don't measure anything that can be manipulated.

With this opinion, I could be dissed, but so be it.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 06:53:41 PM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2008, 07:13:03 PM »
Hello to all,

I find that I ignore the posts that are informational.  Some are kind fo interesting and helpful, some I already have learned the information.  When I first strarted here I was  hungry for information and anythng that would bring insight into what I had experienced in close personal relationships with Ns.  So for the newcomers, it is probably a good idea to keep recycling the basics  and the indepth articles as well.

There is such diversity here. Some people are very intellectual in their approach to healing wounds and others are bleeding all over the road emotionally.  There is not a right way or wrong way.  Just like there are sensors and feelers and intuitives and thinkers.  I used to feel bad about posting how emotionally raped I felt.  Luckily, there were some empaths who were there for me.  I guess the intellectuals are coming at it sideways, to my way of thinking. This always feels life the wrong way to me because I am not strongly loaded intellectually although I am not stupid.  I love words too.

Lately, I find that hearing the stories and myths about narcissism to be the most helpful.  I am even dabbling into my own dead places and how they have affected others. For one thing, I immersed myself in cyberspace and withdrew from everyone who cared for me.  I recently heard this from a friend who felt abandoned by me. So we are ALL on the continuum from psychopathy to sainthood.

As for the relevance and worthiness of an posting based on the responses...... well, the one with the most responses is just about anything. Jerry Springer gets the highest responses and ratings from the public.  Probably a posting that said;

jumping out of window, partner has gun. Would be a really good one for number of responses.  OR  ( this is from national enquirer 1960)  Father kills lover, forces daughter to eat corpse.  I try to remember that finding my voice and telling my story in my own awkward and inconsistent and sometimes powerfulo and helpful way  is for me and not to meet any standard of anyone else.

I don't want to sound judgemental and snittly.  I dont read everybody's posts.  I dont have a great memory and I dont remember everyones threads for the last two years.  i bumble through this. Some days i can help someone who is foundering and some days I look for help myself. 

I have noticed that most people have pretty predictable styles.  I ignore the articles mostly but like referrals to books.

So there ya go.

Sea storm


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Re: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2008, 10:53:52 PM »

Hi Iz,

The supposèd truth can be faked so I really don't measure anything that can be manipulated.

With this opinion, I could be dissed, but so be it.


Good observations Iz.  My instincts are the same, so if you get dissed I might too.   :wink:


So for the newcomers, it is probably a good idea to keep recycling the basics  and the indepth articles as well.

You make a very good point, Sea.

Recently I learned that I can click on the Users Online prompt and see what others are reading in real time.  I have been surprised that more often than not, viewers are reading a variety of current and old posts or threads.

Jerry Springer gets the highest responses and ratings from the public.

Oh lord Sea, that says it all as far as I am concerned.   :lol:

Some days i can help someone who is foundering and some days I look for help myself. 

Me too.



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Re: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2008, 07:56:04 AM »
I also think that many of us have been conditioned to think that someone on the Internet who has the gall to publish themselves  is an expert allowing us to confidently adopt their 'expertise'  and turn them into  our surrogate mouthpieces.   Doesn't that diminish the potential of the board? 

Dear TT,

I think that it probably diminishes the potential of the individual poster (if using a "surrogate mouthpiece" is the motivation), but I doubt that it affects the potential of the board.  There are so many posts in a day, and probably only a fraction of them are copied articles, and only a fraction of those are out of that motivation.  So, I suspect that the overall impact is minimal.

Add to that, the fact that reading them is optional, so there is probably little danger to the board's potential.  IMO.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010

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Re: Copying and Pasting Articles for Member Consumption
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2008, 02:01:34 PM »
Hi, tt,

I don't know whether this will help in your consideration of this topic,
 but here are a couple more of my own thoughts.

Over the years, I'd accumulated quite a collection of articles which helped me find my way out of oblivion. That's how I viewed them.
I'd saved them as links, thinking that I never wanted to lose track of these gems.
Well, over time, these links would get "broken", meaning that the info which I'd considered a veritable treasure trove was no longer accessable.
Now, admittedly, I may have gotten too attached to these articles (this is something I'm exploring for myself), but still...
when I post something, I will include at least an excerpt from the content - and, on occasion, the full article -  and not only a link, because I find broken links distressing. It's okay with me if some folks aren't interested in reading... because I know that some don't mind and may even appreciate that method!

If there is one old fable to which I no longer hold, it's this:  It is my job in life to try to please everyone at all times.

But more than that, I often post articles and excerpts because it is the discussion which follows that helps me to understand and frame the content!
I can read something and get a vague sense of knowing "in my knower", but it's only when others comment and add their contributions that the meaning gets fleshed out and put into more practical application. When I cannot do that for myself, I find this exchange of thoughts invaluable.

So the bottom line is... it works for me and does not cause any real harm to others, so... I'll keep rowing my little boat.
