I still do this, too... but I am making some progress on it. For me, it's the EXPECTATION that all the normal, irritating things that happen in life are meant just to personally make me miserable. It's how N's are, isn't it? That was always somehow, in some mysterious way - my fault. I got blamed. N's always blame someone ELSE for inconviencing them - sometimes just for BEING. It's something I picked up and added to my self from being around my mom - but it's not really me. Just a habit... to change... and under the surface: yes, shame... but also a desire to be important enough that other people will accommodate MY NEEDS and WANTS, for a change.
I know that the car in front of me this morning, going 5 miles below the speed limit, driven by an elderly gentleman isn't some "punishment" directed at me, by the universe. Yes, it means I have to slow down. Yes, that car's in my way and I like to drive faster. But that nice old guy driving his wife to the mall, isn't out to make me late or inconvenience me... he's just being HIM... and he feels safer driving a bit slower than everyone else or isn't in any hurry. He's ALLOWED, you know?
Just because I have a problem feeling not important enough to have my needs & wants addressed - doesn't mean the rest of the universe and the people in it, KNOWS this. When I can let that feeling go - that jumping up & down, "my turn! my turn" insistence - and just be patient, then everything works out just fine. The old guy turned and I got to work 5 minutes EARLY.