Author Topic: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness  (Read 10613 times)


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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2009, 03:35:00 PM »
When the "whole" overwhelms and sends me to the "no zone" I am learning to look at one, teeny weeny particular and focus, focus, focus.  Often, starting with the one moves me toward finishing the task.  Start with the one.

I wonder if that is why cooking is so healing.  It is just one meal.  Just one place, with a certain number of ingredients.  Small.  Attainable.  And very satisfying.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010

Gaining Strength

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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2009, 03:46:48 PM »
Thank you Ami.  

CB - What a lovely post - the sharing, the writing, the concepts - soothing on so many levels.
The "Julia" craze has inspired a hankering for sole meuniere.  When my son returned, without thinking I asked his godfather for dinner.  I had sole on my mind. He said he could come on Tuesday.  Uh-oh, I had made plans to see Harry Potter with my little one and a priest friend.  No matter, I was sure he wouldn't mind swapping movie for dinner.  To balance it out I invited a new female friend as well.  

Sunday night I planned a french (should I just say Julia) inspired menu: sole meuniere, green beans, potato gratin (from Melissa D'arabian - new Food Network Star), a salade verte.  I even paired it with wines, which was a first for me: Alsacean Pinot Blanc for the main course. I followed this up with a beautiful dessert, a fruited white chocolate mousse pavlova.  What? A meringue basket topped with a white chocolate mousse then YELLOW peaches, RED raspberries, BLUE berries, and GREEN kiwis, drizzled with a strawberry sauce, with a dollop of whipped cream and a tiny leaf of fresh mint - Voila - and this I paired with a heavy sweet wine.  Hoping for a white port I had to fall back on a Muscadine wine.  C'est la vie.

Funny thing, we talked about many of these movies:
Watch Chocolat, Babette's Feast, Mostly Martha, No Reservations, Like Water for Chocolate.

I love the concept you write about - food therapy.  I see how it is life-giving and I am glad to participate in it for a time - it feels good.

PR - I am relishing your posts.  Want to comment.  Must digest first - he he.


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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2009, 11:22:46 PM »
CB, I just saw it too, and you are MY Julia!

much much love and missing you and promise to connect....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2009, 06:29:29 AM »
Sorry it was so long... !!

I have all the time in the world - temporarily - will be pretty busy starting this weekend... and Twiggy/I wanted to at least get to the point of addressing what we want "now" to look like... and what we've always wanted to be... and wanted you to share some of this new work. Like food therapy: it's less about looking back and dealing with the past and more about moving forward... thought it might give you some ideas of your own! You've staring at the wall looking for a "door" to that yourself, for some time now, huh?
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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2009, 11:03:07 AM »

Sunday night I planned a french (should I just say Julia) inspired menu: sole meuniere, green beans, potato gratin (from Melissa D'arabian - new Food Network Star), a salade verte.  I even paired it with wines, which was a first for me: Alsacean Pinot Blanc for the main course. I followed this up with a beautiful dessert, a fruited white chocolate mousse pavlova.  What? A meringue basket topped with a white chocolate mousse then YELLOW peaches, RED raspberries, BLUE berries, and GREEN kiwis, drizzled with a strawberry sauce, with a dollop of whipped cream and a tiny leaf of fresh mint - Voila - and this I paired with a heavy sweet wine.  Hoping for a white port I had to fall back on a Muscadine wine.  C'est la vie.

This sounds wonderful!!!! Yum. How did it turn out? Or have you cooked yet?

Do you watch Chopped?

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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2009, 09:42:16 AM »
I began blogging on Open Salon last month.  I had been mulling over the idea for a couple of weeks and then in the movie Julie and Julia, Julie mentions that she is blogging on Open Salon and immediately I know how I will spend the rest of my afternoon.

I am not a great writer so comments and rates have been only a few.  But today I received Editor's Choice and I am overjoyed.  Writing in this way is such a marvelous antidote to feeling voiceless.

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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2009, 10:04:21 AM »
oh PR, you are the shaper of my thoughts, the wordsmith of my feelings.  I read your posts and check word after word to make certain it is you who authored the piece rather than me.  Again this bizarre out-of-body experience occurred when I read these words of yours:

Yes, people still try to tone down my intensity and encourage me through my awkwardness as I try out this ability - since I've not had a lot of practice! But no one's denying me the right to be emotional or making fun of me... or saying I'm "crazy" for being so intense about things. I'm still sorting out why other people were allowed to feel things; be emotional... but I wasn't. It just makes absolutely no sense... I can't find the context for this... unless it was simply that other people's feelings in my FOO mattered more than mine.. or they felt one thing, while I felt something else - and they imagined that this was challenging them or being bad... or crazy. I guess I wasn't allowed to have emotional needs... they were just magically going to be met by the universe... or I was just letting my imagination run away with me, to expect safety, protection, love, happiness, encouragement and validation from my parents. It certainly wasn't on their agenda.

But then, too - I was told what to feel; any deviance from that was disobediance or worse - a character flaw, insanity. That "party line" was paranoid, clinically depressed, powerless and full of learned helplessness. When I felt something else - hope, excitement, happiness, anticipation, and the ability to achieve a goal... don't ya know, that was just crazy? And I had to "stop it" and not be so egotistical, getting a "big head" - because it "hurt" my mother... because, I guess, she couldn't feel those things and that meant that they weren't "real".

I have spent most of my last 8 years trying desparately to mitigate the intensity of my emotions, certain that that is the very core culprit of my solitude, rejection, isolation.  It is painful to prod back into my memories and look at those experiences when joy and happiness were jerked out of my being, replaced with demanded fear and respect or my now omni-present anxiety.  These memories are revisited almost daily when my son's own joy and silliness flare up PTSD type memories of moments of glee being descimated with the hammer like fall of my father's reprimand.

But rather than dwell there, I want to explore something else your post and many recent posts have been trying to tickle out of me.  It is about staying with something in me - that something that I am trying to cover up when I retreat for hours on end into my computer and online life.  It is an addiction of sorts because it is my way in which to self-soothe.  If it were not for my retreat into this computer I would have to face up to the disorder around me - physical, psychological, financial, social disorder that is pressing in on me. And yet I flee - day after day after day.

But your own work calls me to task because in truth the way out for me now is two fold and one of those aspects is to stay with that pain, take it into a mediation and allow it to unfold and release.  I must not continue to flee from it but to allow it to operate right here on a level of consciousness.  I need it though fear it.  I fear it because for all of my life until very recent years it wreaked a tyranny over me sending me into such dispair and hopelessness.  But I have seen my way out of that.  I am no longer hopeless nor in despair and yet the old neural paths have not relinquished their age worn responses. And it is the fear and anticipation which continue to lock me into the old patterns. 

But you and your writings are holding a mirror up to my face and allowing me to see that those old reactions are based on patterns established by that N family life which no longer has a death grip on me.  I must keep looking in that mirror, trusting what I can now see, consciously telling myself that my false perceptions are attributable to them and not to my own reality.

Keep writing - it gives me hope and gives me life.


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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2009, 12:53:04 PM »
aw shucks... thanks!

Glad to see you post today and I'm glad someone knows what I'm trying to say - it feels clumsy, inelegant, awkward still. As if it's something so simple & obvious - yet it's an experience I've denied myself for many, many years. I admit that I don't know well what I'm trying to say... what this experience is, that I'm trying to describe. It's alien to me.

It's like I'm finally "all here" now... no I'll be happy "when - if - later"... no yearning for someone else to fill up any "hole" or provide for me, what I can do for myself... no more "waiting for the other shoe to drop" or fearing someone will come along to rain on my parade... even the usual life obstacles that continue to come up - have lost their capacity to drive me into red-alert crisis mode... no inner-critic or evil mom in my head... no self-consciousness about who I am or what I've lived through; no apologies, either.

It's like it was just "time"... all the prerequisite work was done... nothing else left except just be - me. But I had to let go of all the old pain, processing it over & over and expecting something other than just feeling pain... or fear... or whatever. That WAS my reality; it isn't my experience of it any longer. I was abused; I'm not now. Forcing myself back into the pain looking for a different answer was just self-abuse, for me. Like hitting myself in the head over & over in the hope that it would stop hurting. It was re-experiencing the original wounds... and only re-wounding myself.

It really didn't get me anywhere but miserable - after the necessary unearthing of the details of what happened to me. Why should I continue doing to myself, what didn't feel good the first time I experienced it???

It didn't take too long after I stopped forcing myself back into the pain for this change to occur... wish I'd figured this out sooner, but c'est la vie... it was just "time" for me to make that shift, I think. There is no how-to to this or any prescribed amount of time, either... we are all different.
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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2009, 04:02:17 PM »
from my blog:


“Where is my village?” asks this tired mother.

I have raised my child by myself since he was 7 months old.  It has been such a joy but as every single mother will tell you it is also exhausting.  But today I am wondering where my village is, the one Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote about. 

It is one of the most beautiful days – gorgeous blue skies with puffy white clouds and an uncharacteristic 78 degrees.  I should be outside loving every precious minute but I’m not.  And neither is my little boy.  We are both sitting in our pjs watching tv and playing with our computers.

I feel so guilty and so wasteful.  How I long for a village to beckon my son out into the world to play or do something, anything.  Today I am too tired to provide that structure.  I do it day after day after day.  Today I cannot and it tugs on my heart.

I have been watching The Food Network and long to cook up something scrumptious but cannot summon the energy to clean the dirty dishes and kitchen counters.  Well it is more than that – the fridge is overflowing with outdated food.  No there is even more.  My stomach is too weak to even list it much less face it.  I’m telling you – I need my village today.  I have so much to do that I am just going back to bed and pull up the covers.  Knock when you find them.


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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2009, 04:10:25 PM »
 *I* hear perfectionism running rampant in your post. I don't mean this as a diss--at all.
 I realized last week, how perfectionistic I am when I didn't want to watch golf . I thought I was "bad", immature, a baby, bad hostess etc etc.
  My friend showed me that the root was "I have to be perfect or I am "bad"
  Compost if it does not fit!       xxoo   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2009, 04:59:11 PM »
I have to say Ami that you missed the point.  I'm not writing about perfectionism.  I'm just writing from the heart and it made me feel better.  It really wasn't put out for analysis but for fun, an expression of where I am today.  Nothing more.


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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2009, 05:06:46 PM »
  Gaining Strength:

  I am so in awe of you!  The dinner, the wine...the potatoes au gratin!!!  How I envy that skill.....I'm afaid Stouffer's mac and cheese is the only
  delicacy I can engage in......I do toss in a salad with it though!  LOL....Hope you have a wonderful dinner with your friends.

  I think sometimes it's the effort at these little things that helps get us through....How nice it is that you have friends to invite to enjoy a nice meal.

  I hope they appreciate your effort and your friendship..

  Bon appetit!


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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2009, 05:14:37 PM »
I have to say Ami that you missed the point.  I'm not writing about perfectionism.  I'm just writing from the heart and it made me feel better.  It really wasn't put out for analysis but for fun, an expression of where I am today.  Nothing more.

OK, GS. Thanks for telling me!                         Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2009, 10:16:34 AM »
Last Thursday, I started back with supplements for Adrenal Fatigue with an additional supplement for Thyroid support.  I am beginning to feel a difference - sleeping more soundly, the edge slightly smoothed.  I can imagine, at last, what it might be like to wake up and get going on the tasks before me.  What a difference such a life would be. 

This summer I have been working very hard to find a form of magnesium that my child would take.  Capsules and tablets are too large for him to swallow.  I've tried opening the contents and mixing them in various liquids - the powder just floats on most but mixes nicely with kefir.  But it is bitter - and I mean bitter.  I have tried crushing the tablet and chopping it.  Mixing the crushed tablet with liquid lead to the same results as the capsule so finally we found that a tablet (more like a horsepill) cut up into 6 or 8 pieces works.  It is a labor but such sweet results.  He is well into his 2nd week of school sans medication.  The first tiime in his precious young life.  We have just gone up from 400 mg to 600mg.  He is tolerating it well.  We added in Epsom Salt baths at night. 

As my sleep improves, I hope to get up earlier and add an exercise component and maybe a 2nd Epsom Salt bath in the am, just to calm those jangled hyperactive neurons.  It is working so far and I am thankful.  Could be truly life changing. for both of us.  I hope to get enough energy to plant a fall garden.  Now that would be great living.


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Re: Mother of wildness seeking calm out of madness
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2009, 01:56:27 PM »
Hi hon. What a wonderful thing to hear about you and M. I am excited for you!

And personally, I am so glad you posted this...

I would be very grateful for links to what one takes for adrenal fatigue, etc.

Were you diagnosed with a thyroid problem? Is there danger to taking a thyroid supplement if you haven't been diagnosed?

Thank you!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."