For those of you who haven't heard this, well, it's mind blowing, sad, downright tragic. These are phone conversations from 1990 that one of MJ's friends just released. In these conversations he talks openly about his father's narcissism, and the tremendous amount of control Joseph had over him. In one tape, he talks about how his father used to make fun of his weight, and Michael says, "eating was the ONLY thing I had control over." He talks about how his every move, every word, was dictated my Joe. He talks about being locked in the basement for hitting the wrong note. And really disgusting, says that when they were on tour, he could hear his father having sex with young girls in the next room, and that he never had the heart to tell his mother.
I don't know why this friend released these tapes now, when she could have done so years ago to make a buck. My guess is that she did it to help Michael, and let the world hear, in his own voice, just how tormented he was. That yes, his father DID abuse him, badly. You can hear the pain in Michael's voice. It's so very sad, yet something I think we can all relate to.,0,4741707.story