What she did is totally inappropriate. I'm sorry this happened to you.
Ales, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond and acknowledge that this is inappropriate. (thank you)
Has anything hurtful or insulting happened in the past that indicated to others/family present that you will be non-responsive? Thats the only thing that I can think of that might make you a "target". Either way, again, its totally wrong.
Great question. My N sisters definitely show a much stronger presence than myself. They may see me as the weaker out of us.
Would they speak up, "YES."
Would seasons? Probably not.
I tend to go towards the gentler people in the group. Keep away from being an audience to my N's.
This cousin I am speaking of, we aren't close. She did ask me to promise I would go to her get together when she had one. I did promise and kept it.
I don't think I'm cool enough for her compared to my siblings.
She usually ignores me, then at the end of an event says how sorry she was she didn't get a chance to talk to me.
Weird thing is in the past when I have spoken up for myself I never get it right. I always come out looking like I am the bad guy. Or just don't have the right words to express myself in the right context. Guess I get nervous and I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about.
All these insecurities I think stop me in my tracks.
Could I call her and tell her how I feel. Right now, it feels like jumping off a cliff. So expossing.
Gosh, I could do so much better for myself. Bit embarrassed admitting to being a wimp.
Just one incident can bring up so much, triggers past hurts etc. seasons