I'm going through a divorce to an N and he' s continued to be verbally abusive and psychologically abusive (mostly using the kids as pawns) throughout the process. He writes me the most horrible emails telling me I have no heart, i'm an ice queen, i'm an awful mother, i'm crazy, he's sick he married me, i'm a disgusting person, i'm sick, i'm a bitch, i'm crazy, i need help and he fears for the kids, he hates me, i'm a sick,mean person and he regrets the day he met me, I'm a miserable person and he hates me, i'm twisted and selfish, he wishes he never met me, other people - everyone thinks i'm awful, etc. I KNOW he's crazy and the sick one, and that i'm a very good mother, nice, etc, and that he's very very angry i left him. I have NO feelings left for him. But, even though i know all this, it STILL gets to me and hurts when I read this through email again and again. WHY? What should I do to protect myself from getting hurt from it? When does the abuse end?! Even leaving hasn't helped! Advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks!