I have NO idea if my mother is really getting worse now that she is well into her 70s or if I have just finally seen enough of both HER and the outside world to recognize it.
It seems every day, she gets worse. She always had to have everything done her way --- the way she wanted it, when she wanted it, whether or not anybody else in the world cared if it got done. But now that she is elderly this determination to have everything done her way and on her schedule seems stupider and stupider. She has always refused to accommodate other people's schedule or willingness to help, and then complained because she "has to do everything myself." Most recently, she offered me some cardboard boxes since we are packing some stuff up, and I said yes ... we have been planning for the whole family to go to her house for Sunday lunch tomorrow, and I told her a few days ago we'd get the boxes then. (Side note: my husband kids and I live out in a rural area, the road is all torn up right now with the county repaving it, and I have started a new job that requires me to be out of town several days a week). Apparently my mother couldn't wait for Sunday ... she dragged her husband of 2 years out to our place and dropped off the boxes in our barn because she wanted them out of her garage IMMEDIATELY. You'd just have to know the relationship I have with my mother to know that this was a message from her that I didn't come get the darn things fast enough to suit her. That's fine if she wanted to break her neck getting those boxes out there, I'm not going to apologize for not doing things RIGHT THIS SECOND. The boxes will probably get filthy though, the barn has no floor other than a dirt one and most of the junk out there is covered in dust. I haven't even checked them out yet.
Called me on my cell phone while I was at work ... shame on me, I was with a client when she called ... good thing I keep my cell phone on silent because she never pays any attention to when I am working. She left a voice mail to call her back (no indication of what she was calling for) ... so I called her back immediately because who knew, it could have been a medical crisis or something. But she just wanted to discuss what we were having for Sunday dinner (my birthday). Nice ... except that I couldn't talk so I asked her if I could call her back later. Called her back on my way home from work, she was miffed because I hadn't called earlier, told me we were just having sandwiches for Sunday dinner because I called back too late and she had already been to the store without knowing what I wanted for dinner. Again, you just have to have the history to know that she is disdainful of sandwiches as a "real" meal.
Come to find out, she actually IS cooking for my birthday dinner, the "sandwiches" are going to be hamburgers and grilled chicken ... but why did she have to spoil it by acting like I had done something wrong by daring to have a work life that doesn't revolve around her? I just think the drama is so stupid.
I dropped by their house today ... I had to get back home and work some more on my "day off", but that is calculated ... I try these days to always have something I have to do when I "drop by" so that I don't get stuck for long periods. She wanted to know how I was, but when I started to tell her --- specifically, I'm feeling sore because I've had a lot of tension in this new job build up and then I had a massage yesterday, the combo made me sore --- she didn't even listen. I used to get irritated at the way she didn't listen to me (always diverting her attention to something else) and would doggedly go on with my story no matter the interruptions, but today I just wondered if she would even notice if I didn't bother finishing my story. She didn't. As soon as I said the word "sore," she took over and went into a long spiel about how she is always sore, it is a part of getting old, etc. I realized that at least when she is in the "N state" she could care less about my story.
My mom really does cycle between the "N state" and being fairly normal. On the one hand, I think that it is nice to have periods where she can be pretty normal. On the other hand, those periods of normalcy do suck you in and put your guard down. So that she can sucker-punch you the next time the "N state" kicks in.
I'm just sore physically and mentally right now! Too tired even to get very worked up. My daughter seems to have similar problems to my mom so I am sandwiched (ha, how appropriate is that word right now) between two generations that exhaust me and whom nothing pleases. At least my daughter has some excuse for her behavior --- besides being a teenager, she has a trauma history (from before we adopted her) and also a traumatic brain injury at age 11. What my mother's excuse is I have no idea.