Some more to chew on: Lucky, from seeing a few of your posts you seem very intent on understanding narcissists. Sometimes the best way is not to objectify it in others but see how elements of these things exist in oneself, then explore why that is for you, from there. Results in an empathy that helps deal with any anxiety around the uncertainty of knowing someone to the extent that they scare you at some level.
I think Narcissism is the ego gone wild and to the extreme, so unless you are without ego, when you operate out of it you will find your own inner narcissist, however it is wrong to project the personality disorder onto these temporary egocentric ways of being or defenses. A personality disorder is marked by its rigidity and inability to be much else than this way. Unfortunately they have invented the term 'traits' to broaden the use of the label to people acting out of their ego in particular ways or locked at the time, for whatever reason, into ego centric ways of being. Beats trying to understand what is going on for them, particularly when you might be involved in the situation and could be part of the reason their defences are so heightened?
re Narcissism - remember it is just a system of defences, there is a person in there that wants the same as everyone else. They just had a life that developed ways of being to cope that now look like this, and become particularly prevalent when distressed. Unfortunately it hurts to be on the receiving end of their behaviour, however they also were on the receiving end of particular socialisation processes that led to how they are, which is no doubt painful to them, even if they do not recognise it, as it certainly does not result in many positive social responses back to them?